uh, you got them backwards, it sounds all weird that way. I think you meant "Tomato Tomato"
We get it, you're not going to vote
not at all what I said. you have terrible reading comprehension. I specifically said I'm voting Biden.
if you're not American, I would understand that to be a reasonable suggestion. not how it works here, though.
under our system of voting, third party votes are less than worthless. I would rather that not be the case, but here we are.
If you're American or if you're not simply ignorant of that fact, I assume you're salivating at the idea of getting a reluctant biden voter to vote third party to help secure your authoritarian party win.
this is so wholesome. I've never delved into vtubers because it seemed like a lot of anime girl avatars being spazzy in video games, but this is so digestible and of course dads would have no problem listening to a literal bear talk about tools. I'll have to broaden my horizons maybe.
man, that was such a bummer. when they got along well, they had such amazing chemistry. People change. sometimes it's good, sometimes it sucks.
I've seen you do this like 2 or 3 times now - is this your weird hyper-puritanical troll tactic to farm engagement? Find posts that are not NSFW but gently brush up against any topic of human (or elf, apparently) anatomy and call for them to be marked the same as hardcore porn? lol - should I mark my post as NSFW because I said the word "porn"?
i cannot imagine what you'd find NSFW about this post. the mention of a nipple? the topic of piercing? of raves? humor? elves are hot, maybe it's elves.
carpet for your only hole 99c
bunch of fuckin art pirates. crying about software piracy while they have their own bots pirating everyone's art.
no, no, conservatives will never support this idea. death is too easy an out. why should they allow those that they view as lesser to have an escape from an absolute living hell? no, they intend to make slaves out of them. step one is to criminalize being homeless. then, the homeless can easily become prisoners in horrific private prisons. conveniently, they can now legally be used as slave labor! the prison corporations don't even have to foot the bills - taxpayers will pay enough to keep the prisoners alive (barely), so the work they force them to do is all profit, a capitalist dream. if they won't work, no worries! it's illegal to torture them, of course, but conveniently, the legal definitions of torture do not include being locked alone in a windowless always-lit featureless room indefinitely with only moldy nutriloaf for food that tastes like human shit, so they can just do that as an "encouragement tactic" until they decide to start toiling properly.
incidentally, and entirely unrelatedly I'm sure, they also want really bad to roll back discrimination protections for women, LGBT, and all minorities, so that anyone can be denied work or housing for "any reason". weird. I'm sure it's not because they want to be able to torture and enslave us "undesirables" with complete impunity, because that would really be antithetical to their primary religion's teachings haha
no, the president (whoever it currently is) can do whatever he wants without any explanation needed as long as the Supreme Court (the majority selected by and loyal to trump) deems it an "official presidential action". unfortunately, all actions Biden can take would obviously fall into the "unofficial" classification because, you know, reasons of some kind and definitely no corruption.