Videos of this era that reached a million views would get a segment on national news programs. Now they're a dime a dozen.
Thanks for the info.
Do you have any experience with the Crafty+ or regular Mighty? Those are the ones I've been eyeing the most.
And then take his car.
I appreciate them taking the mask off. Hopefully it'll will convince the "both sides are the same" non-voters to show up and help prevent the decent into fascism.
I am trying to manage my expectations for this hearing but this is got me hyped if it's true.
I hear you. Still love gaming but relationship with it has evolved as I got older. Too many responsibilities to have all day game days anymore. When I have an hour or two I feel like it's not enough to really enjoy my time and half the time I don't even bother to start. Plus all the games I think I really want to play are either unreleased or unfinished messes when they are, so I don't even buy them.
Good. The studios want to use actors likeness with AI, in perpetuity, for one days pay. Disgusting.
Seriously. Fines against corporations need to be a significant percentage of their revenue. Also executives should face jail time when their corporation breaks the law.
The status quo of corporate fines is just the cost of doing business.
I wonder how this transition to NACS will affect the resale value of older models with CCS connectors. I know adaptors are readily available, but car buyers can be quite the fickle bunch.
Where is this porn located so I don't accidentally stumple upon it? Thank you so much.
Yeah! How am I going to watch my favorite YouTubers while I play games?
And then have to rewind it because actually trying to pay attention to 2 simulating things at once is hard for me.
Especially after how milquetoast Garland has been. But that may have been to remove any notion of political retribution. Though they scream about it anyway.