Might be the best reason to put him in charge.
I'm pretty sure now we all MUST use the women's restroom as we're all legally female.
There's no doubt in my mind that this happened and continues to happen.
New Folder/
I have zero sympathy for those who only regret their vote for Trump now that his policies - which were always obvious - come back to haunt them personally.
Exactly. This headline could also have easily been "Republicans hold government funding hostage to force first federal anti-LGBTQ legislation in nearly 30 years."
Super special emergency line for CEOs because 911 isn't good enough for them.
Is this a thing?
Tesla believes it is better at reporting crash data than its competitors, and so the discrepancy in numbers makes them look bad.
It's almost as though leaving safety and associated reporting requirements in the hands of private business doesn't work out for consumers. If only there was some public institution that would hold all vehicle manufacturers accountable and enforce reporting requirements. I cannot possibly imagine how that would work though. /s
I'm sure they will also see the largest increase in personal wealth of any administration.
Well that didn't age well, did it.
Democrats fear Trump will seek political retaliation, deepening national divisions.
No, it's not a fear. It's an acknowledgement of exactly what he has said he will do:
Trump has said repeatedly he will seek political retaliation, deepening national divisions.
Well that's easy. The protests aren't illegal. Therefore this amounts to nothing.
Fuck this dude.