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[–] dontbelasagne 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (4 children)

As someone that doesn't belive in the bible, the whole antichrist being nero thing doesn't add up. Nero reigned from 54 AD to 68 AD while the book of revelation, the one with the antichrist prophecies and that was published in 95 AD. I've heard the explanation that it was code, but why would they have to have code for someone that died 27 years before they wrote the code?

[–] dontbelasagne 3 points 1 week ago

We're already slaves. They are just making it more obvious.

[–] dontbelasagne 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The street was bare and so he started meowing in the hopes to find something, anyone to give him some love.

[–] dontbelasagne 10 points 1 week ago

being made? We are all capitalist slaves, there is no one to make a slave when everyone is born in slavery.

[–] dontbelasagne 16 points 1 week ago

But the movie has cool guns and explosions so who cares about that when we have shiny thing?

[–] dontbelasagne 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Maybe content creators in general? I'm just spitballing but ultimately it's up to you.

For suggestions on content creators.

Grant Wisler. Very underrated comedy skit maker. Reminds me of the early days of smosh and those kind of youtube videos but blends the skits with modern storytelling so it can go from a skit into a existenital piece of art and it doesn't feel jarring at all. I feel like he's going to make it big if more people knew about him.

Misohungrie. Cooking channel but cooks from those cookbooks based on fictional IP (One Piece, Ninja turtles, Gremlins even) to see if the food in the cookbooks is actually any good or if it's just a cashgrab. It's a very specific niche but a niche no one else is doing to my knowledge and he does it well.

Another cooking channel, sortedfood. Just a group of british mates having fun cooking food and learning about food. Sometimes they gameify things by having challenges but you always learn something new when watching it.

[–] dontbelasagne 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I have subbed to all of them but video recommantions on youtube aren't even related to the video or even topic nowadays I find. I get mrbeast wannabees in the related tab despite never watching them. I can't find new channels because algorithm even with no influence recommends stuff I'm not interested in unlike when youtube was first around and it recommended you content creators based on your personal watches and not the algorithm

[–] dontbelasagne 3 points 1 week ago (7 children)

This is pretty good and cool. Already found some hidden gems I didn't know about. Possible suggestion for another category is for youtube channels. Youtube's algorithm sucks now and there are only about 4 youtube channels I regularly watch. So it'll be cool to have a category to suggest good content creators on youtube .

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

But to play devil's advocate (pun very much intended) in the gnostic scripture of the nag Hamadi it straight up says whoever parctipated in the tower of babel will go to hell. Why punish people when they thought they were doing good? And the nag hamadi also says whatever happens in the world is god's will. Meaning every single event in history whether good or bad is because god wanted it that way. So according to the nag hamadi god wanted all the wars, all the climate change, all the confusion, all the rape and murder is because god wanted it. Why aren't we born with knowledge of every language if god wanted diverse languages? That way people will choose the language they speak rather than it being forced upon them from wherever they're born. The nag hamadi actually answers every existential question if you read it objectively without any pre existing beliefs in my personal view. We don't have any free will on earth according to the nag hamadi and this is the only universe that exists.

[–] dontbelasagne 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I don't think we have. Some people theorise that the tower of babel really happened. Whether you're religous or not doesn't really matter but it shows that during the earliest recorded days humanity wanted to help each other and everyone by building a tower. There are theories as to why god didn't allow the tower to reach them so then the blame is put on god, not humanity.

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 1 week ago

It depends on the discord. I joined a discord where the most narcissistic people were there and they singled me out for whatever reason because I wasn't just simply going with their thinking. There was another member that thought like me but their own narcissi tendencies made up a conspiracy theory that somehow that was my alt. I didn't even know the guy irl. It's a shame as I was interested in the subject matter of the discord but I guess if enough village idiots own a discord, the smart villager is seen as the idiot.

[–] dontbelasagne 1 points 1 week ago

Capitalism is slavery so america runs on slavery.



In the Doctor Who two parter, aliens of london/world war three The Doctor and Rose encounter the siltheen, an alien species that infiltrated 10 downing street to ruin the earth and sell it for rocket fuel. The siltheen can be destroyed by vinegar because they are a calcium based species.


Um Actually The Siltheen is not the name of the species. It's a family name. The actual species name is Raxacoricofallapatorians, other familes include the blathereen and Hamazeen


#1, you're brought into this world, not knowing anything about it. This means that the prison can mold you into however it wants in this world.

#2, you're forced to work for pieces of paper for no reason other than "Well that's what we do here." It takes energy and time out so you don't have time to question your reality

#3 many consistencies within NDE's and altered states of consciousness and online anecdotes and multiple people seeing that we're trapped in a simulation

#4, the love in NDE's are forced on the person, with no free will of the person to say no, I don't want this love bomb, it comes in too quick.

Believe what you want, not forcing anyone to believe in this theory but the stories out there are enough to make you suspicious of reality.


I recently made a sub but complety forgot to add text to the sidebar and I can't find how to edit the sidebar after a community has been made. Can you edit the sidebar, and if so how?

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