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[–] dontbelasagne 6 points 9 hours ago

Well Luffy is against corrupt government so anyone, even a fictional character would be violence to the corrupt government.

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 9 hours ago

well i didn't know that so learn something new. Still spotify is shitty and I haven't used it in years now, and was just youtube music but looking for a replacement.


Any european music streaming sites to replace spotify and youtube music?

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 9 hours ago

And the one that sends gay people and the people that shop on sundays to hell and sees both as sins as bad as each other but has no problem with slavery.

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

Depends on your generation. I'm early gen Z and if I live long enough, I think there's a good enough chance I will see humanity going extinct

[–] dontbelasagne 5 points 14 hours ago

TBF this is the first time in 2000 years when we have billions of people warming up the planet and studies by actual scientists saying if we continue the way we are we have at most a couple of centuries left. Plenty of studies saying that when you know where to look.

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 14 hours ago

He was and he's now cancer free.

[–] dontbelasagne 1 points 15 hours ago

it's not and that's the point. People dunk on other lootboxes and gambling all the time but steam gets a pass because "I like linux support." It's a double standard that these people are showing.

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

Liking Linux is apparently their reason to support one of the biggest child gambling websities.

[–] dontbelasagne 1 points 5 days ago

Human greed is a problem of capitalism because it makes competition out of humanity. We can still track what people have in the gift economy. If everyone gets what they need, then there will be no greed at all and more sustainable lifestyles will be lived. Most scarcity in the world is fabricated in order to drive up the value of goods in a profit driven system like capitalism. In the case of actual scarcity in the gift economy, we would simply go on need, who needs these resources the most? Anyone that doesn't need whatever resources wouldn't be asking for them in the gift economy.

[–] dontbelasagne 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I'm a full on no money commie. To me any society that has money is capitalist, doesn't matter what happens to it, it's a capitalist society once you introduce money to it. I propose a gift economy. It is the first economy recorded and is how humans should be living. We just give people what they need, not expectining anything in r eturn. No money, no bartering system. We just give anyone what they need. The gift econmmy is so engrained in human life and we do a little even when in a captalist society. Ever explained the rules to a boardgame? I imagine you did that for free, asking for nothing in return, gift economy. Helped a family member with tech support, you did that for free, asking for nothing in return. Even writing a internet comment, you likely did that for free and a lot of internet comments are written because someone asked a question, you're helping them for nothing in return. We need to get to the gift economy.

[–] dontbelasagne 3 points 6 days ago

Because math is hard. Fixed it though and point still stands.

[–] dontbelasagne 2 points 6 days ago

The gnostic nag hamadi also mentions the antichrist and that was written at least the 2nd century. Interestingly they say the antichrist will have a female likeness which makes sense if you entertain it because if the antichrist is meant to be the complete opposite of christ, why wouldn't they identify as female?

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