
joined 11 months ago
[–] dodos 1 points 5 days ago

I used what was there. From precious experience with auroraos I assumed it must have been flatpak steam, that's my bad. Either way, even after following bazzite's own instructions on auto-mounting drives to a T, external drives still had all sorts of issues. Link to the docs:

[–] dodos 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

My bad, that's what I mean. Whatever drive bazzite is not installed on is difficult to deal with when it comes to flatpak steam. There's a bunch of mount params you are supposed to use but for me they didn't work whatsoever on bazzite.

[–] dodos 5 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Just a heads up, but gaming on an external drive with bazzite is a nightmare (if you end up trying to go that route).

[–] dodos 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Isn't this a default feature on Firefox? Is there something special librewolf does with it that I'm not aware of?

[–] dodos -3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Do you know of any that haven't used drugs? The only one I remember ended up being outed for juicing. I think it was vegan gains on YouTube, could be wrong but am interested.

[–] dodos 2 points 2 weeks ago

Vulkan in proton was busted at launch (couldn't start the game), but I've heard it's better now. If you have issues then you can always switch.

[–] dodos 15 points 2 weeks ago

I wish the game was as good as the cinematics

[–] dodos 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Not OP, but these are the two problems I run into in any crpg / arpg / trpg I play. I also find when I try to avoid stressing over it I end up too under powered to actually do anything in the game in playing. Very open to advice if you have any!

[–] dodos 6 points 1 month ago

I don't really know what I'll do. I currently have to dual boot windows 10 for work since I do unreal game dev. I guess push for managers to allow me to setup a Linux dev env? But Linux binaries for third party plugins arent always there. That's where I got stuck last time I tried.

[–] dodos 6 points 1 month ago

I think there are a multitude of reasons for why it may not be doing well, but personally I had no clue it was coming out this month, I don't trust my PC to be able to run it (rtx 3070 isn't enough for a lot of high fidelity games these days), and I got hellblade 1 at full price and beat it in under 6 hours. I'm looking forward to playing it at a lower price and on better hardware in 4 years or something.

[–] dodos 14 points 1 month ago

TIL, I had no clue why we call this arbitrary important file a file stab, but fs tab makes sense now. F stab is more fun to say though (but has probably confused more than just me)

[–] dodos 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Been a long time since I played and I'm on Nvidia, but if I recall correctly vulkan never worked for me on Linux. Give dx a try.

submitted 5 months ago by dodos to c/warhammer40k

First time touching paints in ages, and first time ever doing a miniature. Been having a lot of fun painting the starter kit after work. I'd like to try shading when I finish them all up.

I was struggling a lot with the first layer since the paint wouldn't stick, so I got a Tamiya primer for the space Marines. I think I may have over sprayed a bit since there's some paint that was pooling in the pauldrons.

I've also had trouble getting to some of the tighter spots on the model, especially the 4 guys on one base (the book is in japanese so I don't know the names). Nevertheless having lots of fun! Looking forward to making a kill team or doing one of the board games since I don't have anyone to play with out here.

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