
joined 2 years ago
[–] dlpkl 26 points 2 years ago

Lmfao does anyone actually believe this shit? The power draw of a PS5 equivalent GPU alone would give this a battery life of about 13 seconds.

[–] dlpkl 10 points 2 years ago

Like fellating a kiwi

[–] dlpkl 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

What about that particular poster makes you think of the Soviet Union?

[–] dlpkl 6 points 2 years ago (5 children)

It's topical and I'm glad they're being direct about it. Any more direct and it would have just been Putin's face with a speech bubble. Unfortunate that the used Russian cultural themes but eh, it is what it is.

[–] dlpkl 15 points 2 years ago (15 children)

Very unfortunate that it doesn't have seamless surface to space travel. It's 2023 Bethesda!

[–] dlpkl 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Damn, I guess we've been spoiled by No Man's Sky. I was expecting it to be a completely open, manual traversal universe.

[–] dlpkl 26 points 2 years ago (1 children)

What a time to be alive when NMS is the standard that a Bethesda game is being held up to. Hello Games have made the comeback of the century I guess.

[–] dlpkl 1 points 2 years ago

Again I doubt your sister would choose to identify with that word. Languages evolve, and you're clinging on to a meaning that was lost decades ago. It's a dead slur and it doesn't take a genius to recognize that it's not disparaging towards the intellectually disabled, but go ahead and clutch your pearls.

[–] dlpkl 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Are you implying that retard is a class of people? Because I doubt whoever you're concerned about would raise their hand to identify as one.

[–] dlpkl 37 points 2 years ago (2 children)

So no boarding, no diving, no hunting, no on foot combat or exploration. Wtf have they been doing all this time lol

[–] dlpkl 1 points 2 years ago (6 children)

It's crazy how much support this fuckin retard has on Facebook and Tiktok. Every comment on every post on social media is licking this welfare queen's nutsack and it's annoying as hell.

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