That looks to be the one!
Some amazon no name one. It's a 15.5mm diameter one.
Thats a brilliant idea and I'm ashamed I didn't think of it.
Here is the STL if anyone wants to remix it or whatever.
Great minds! Appreciate the advice all the same.
It's definitely crying out for that ability. Maybe also with a little tab and ratchet system so it clicks as you spin 🤔
I have 3D Printing folder with all my .blend files, and a folder for STLs. For important projects I will bundle everything in its own folder. PCB and Enclosure design both get their own folders for KiCad and Blender files, then there is a fabrication folder containing gerbers/BOM files, as well as STLs or any documents for stickers/etc that may be needed.
I usually will use a version tracking system like git for big projects that use that file tree as well.
I mean when viewed from the perspective of his world it makes sense.
He lives in a world where substance is meaningless and all that matters is appearance and bravado. I can appreciate why to him that seems like good advice. Just kinda bums me out people live like that, but I bet he's happy having power and influence and money. Good for him.
I couldn't and wouldn't fuckin live that way and I will stick with my Casio a158, thanks.
I loved how Lower Decks brought commemorative plates into the canon.
As a seethingly jealous ender 3 peasant who is still spending most of his time keeping my printer working with kludges and duct tape; it's nice to know Bambu owners are human after all and still run into problems.
Hope you get it sorted and are back printing soon! 🖖
Most of my friends I know who went the kishi route instead of a stand alone emu handheld when I was rocking the rg355xxsp have since ditched it and acquired some manner of handheld, some even just opted for a legit GBA sp with a flashcart.
reasons I have heard:
Got tired of draining my battery
My phone doesn't have an SD slot and so I was not able/didn't want to load it with roms
it didn't fit in my pocket or was clumsy to use on the bus.
Your milage may vary. I still have a couple friends still just using their phone and they seem happy so take that as you will.
Man I love how insanely hard kaleidescope themes used to go.