Man I love how insanely hard kaleidescope themes used to go.
I think you're definitely right.
There was a year in college where my friends and I grinded the real smb2 when it was available on the Wii shop.
It destroyed us. I don't think we ever beat it. We were stuck on the third world for most of the year and it was super deflating.
I still go back every now and then to get through it and even with save states it's just a gauntlet.
I love it for that though.
"...and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war." -JFK Rice Speech
Well, that certainly seems to be case.
For the TNG finale here in Toronto they had a big celebration at the Skydome, our local large sports arena. They played the eps back to back on the big Jumbotron. My dad was always one for a party, so he took me down there. The place was packed with all sorts of super fans, dressed up and being freaks. My dad wasn't a huge trek fan, but he knew what it meant to me, so he stuck it out and even got into it. I love that memory.
I met a guy there who had fully modded his Playmates Tricorder toy to have flashing lights and sounds. It awakened something in me.
OP: I'm super jealous you got to go to Star Trek: The Experience. Woweeee. Lucky.
Back in the day. Like *over a decade ago I believe.
After watching "The Offer" I'm totally in on this idea. It would be awesome.
Sure! I found some grass clump models somewhere, they are basically just little tufts of grass of various different orientations and arrangements, very low poly but from a distance they work.
Then I selected the ground plane I wanted to apply the grass to, and in edit mode selected only the areas to apply it to (you can do this using weight painting or vertex groups, I will encourage you to look both those up if you're not familiar).
Then using particles I made the ground plane an emitter for hair particles, but switched them out for a collection which contained all of my grass tufts. It took some time to orient each grass tuft object so they were position with z upward, but in the end I figured it out.
Theres a number of great tutorials on youtube about this technique that would probably do a better job explaining. This video seems really good.
Wow that sculpt compared to the others is like NIGHT AND DAY. Very impressive.
This is a super handy little group. Thanks for sharing!
Oh for pete's sake.
Most of my friends I know who went the kishi route instead of a stand alone emu handheld when I was rocking the rg355xxsp have since ditched it and acquired some manner of handheld, some even just opted for a legit GBA sp with a flashcart.
reasons I have heard:
Got tired of draining my battery
My phone doesn't have an SD slot and so I was not able/didn't want to load it with roms
it didn't fit in my pocket or was clumsy to use on the bus.
Your milage may vary. I still have a couple friends still just using their phone and they seem happy so take that as you will.