
joined 2 years ago
[–] dingus 3 points 1 hour ago

Is that an obvious plant logo lol

[–] dingus 4 points 15 hours ago

No one knows. It's a diagnosis of exclusion. It's a lot more common in infants (although still relatively uncommon), and significantly less common in kids. There are some types of conditions that you can't really tell at autopsy though. So if the heart suddenly starts beating out of whack or if someone had a seizure, there is not necessarily going to be evidence of that for you to know what happened, unfortunately.

[–] dingus 4 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

What the fuck. I mean, it's terrible already but to have the fucking balls to just do that out in the open???? The fuck??

[–] dingus 11 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) (1 children)

Possibly was listening to my sweet mom crying and softly begging my dad to stop raping her in the other room. I was in denial about it tbh. He was a verbally abusive man, but I never knew that it extended to anything physical. He was not shy about screaming at her in front of us kids, so I honesty didn't think I was correctly interpreting what I was hearing at the time. Both my patients were very quiet during this event. So I'm not sure how often it happened. I didn't help my mom or anything at the time like an asshole...I just wasn't sure what really happened.

It was only many years later when I stumbled across some PDF files of divorce paperwork where she stated that he would rape her. She chose much softer language in the paperwork, carefully avoiding the "r-word", but I knew she wasn't lying because of what I remembered. She did say that he often wasn't very physically "successful" at it, which I guess is a bit more comforting? Anyway, this absolutely and totally enraged me. I fantasized about ways I would torture this man. But alas I never did anything of use and continue to allow this man to speak to me and spend time with me. I'm an asshole for it, really.

Much less significant, but there was also a time where my brother repeatedly tried to record videos of me naked and didn't stop even after he got caught. That was such an intense violation of my privacy and permanently changed the way I feel about him and view him tbh. We have an ok relationship now, but I'll never forget it.

[–] dingus 1 points 16 hours ago

To be fair, it is quite odd that someone would lie about having a significant other. I get that it happens, but it's not exactly the norm and it's weird.

I think that's wholesome of you to have faith in what people say like that. If everyone were like you, then you wouldn't have to worry about who is lying and who isn't. Because people would just exist and be honest and say things and face value.

I honestly don't think there's anything inherently wrong in being this way. Just keep in mind that occasionally someone may lie in a way that may take advantage of you. So be careful out there.

[–] dingus 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Idk. I put my cart back but I have heard an occasional decent argument why someone wouldn't.

One of the biggest ones is a single parent shopping alone with multiple small children. I get that ideally the cart corral probably isn't super far away, but leaving small kids alone for even a short period of time must be nerve wracking and not always safe depending on the area and climate.

[–] dingus 2 points 1 day ago

Really curious to see where this goes. It's a real shame that they banned Huawei in the States. They are doing some wild things with foldables.

[–] dingus 14 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I get to cut up human organs for a living. Whenever something is removed during surgery, it comes to me. It can be mundane but there are fun and interesting things too. The job is very hands on.

No, I'm not a surgeon. You wouldn't want me to attempt to perform surgery on you. I'm not a physician of any kind.

[–] dingus 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Wow...I played that way too fucking long lol. Then my phone screen froze and I figured it was time to stop playing.

Edit: I opened up my laptop to play and it seemed like it was begging for death from all the things on the screen lol. Was fun, though!

[–] dingus 3 points 2 days ago

I'm not really sure where a not strict abusive parent fits.

[–] dingus 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Why don't you talk to him about it? You guys are both obviously close already.

I will say...it's ok if you don't want to identify as gay or bisexual. But you clearly like doing these things with him already. I'm not saying that this means you should start identifying a different way than you want to. But what I am saying is that maybe you might like doing that with him as well. And it would be ok if you ended up liking it. It would also be ok if you didn't end up liking it. Everyone is different.

But yeah I think you should have a conversation about it.

[–] dingus 1 points 2 days ago

Life is short and it's also a balance. It's ok to buy yourself something fun from time to time. :) The key to anything is moderation.


Sometimes I tend to feel some type of way during this sort of holiday. So I thought I would give everyone a shout-out. This community doesn't seem particularly active. Not sure if there are bigger ace communities on Lemmy that I'm not aware of.

But I hope you all have a great Friday and weekend. :)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by dingus to c/[email protected]

This is sort of an odd prompt but I'll elaborate.

I've always been a lone wolf. Primarily it has been due to intense social anxiety. I also fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum. So I've mostly gone though life by myself. Friendships and relationships have just never been a thing for me. I'm also in my 30s, so it's not as if I'm going to change the way I am.

Several years back, I started working my current job. Most people I worked with were either ok or were assholes. But there was one who was always kind to me. She always jokes around with me and was cheerful and happy when everyone else was a grumpy asshole. We work only a few feet from each other for hours almost every single day.

Through the years, I noticed myself getting happy when she would arrive at work or when our schedules would overlap more. I am happy every day to see her and enjoy spending time with her. I absolutely never get tired of seeing her and look forward to it every single day. She has even called me a friend on numerous occasions which I have almost never had anyone do before. We spend our days simultaneously working and also trying to out goober one another. She started referring to me as her friend at one point and it made me really happy whenever she would say it.

She is married and has children and has her own busy life outside of work. I often feel bad whenever I end up texting her outside of work because I know I am taking her away from where she wants to be. She's not one of those parents that spends their off hours getting away from the household...she is the opposite...wanting to spend every waking moment not at work with her kids.

It's selfish and wrong of me, but sometimes I get jealous when she interacts with her other work friend. Or it sometimes makes me sad to know that I most likely don't mean as much to her as she does to me. I would do honestly absolutely anything for her. I even let her family stay with me for a few days when they were temporarily without power or water.

When I see my other coworkers, I honestly could take them or leave them. But my whole day gets brightened when I see my one coworker that I am close to. I never get tired of seeing her.

I've almost never ever had this happen before. The only ever time this happened was with another sweet, funny, coworker who eventually moved away. I liked both of them very much and it pained me so much when the other left. I was depressed for months.

Since I'm an asexual, I never really see people and want to make out or have sex with them. But is that what is happening with my brain? Is my description normal friend behavior or is it wrong for me to feel this level of happiness and connection around my coworker? Is it normal to like a friend this much or is there something wrong with me? Am I supposed to try to find other people instead to have this sort of feeling with instead of my coworker? Is it wrong to want to hang out outside of work? Where is the line supposed to be drawn between what is socially acceptable and what isn't?

Thanks. I'm stupid ig.


I've always wondered this. Some people have trouble with dating because they try to go for people out of their league who don't like them back. But society also tells us that we can't choose who we are attracted to. Like for example, no one makes a "choice" to be gay.

So what happens when you're only attracted to those out of their league that will never ever like them back?

Do the people with this issue still date? But when they date, they lie to their partner that they are into them? I have been on a couple of dates with someone I wasn't into before. It make me incredibly guilty and dishonest that I did not like them back.

Curious as to the experience/thoughts of others.

Apologies if this is the wrong community. I will remove on request. Thanks.


I'm in my early 30's and I've literally always been curious about this. I've never in my life had the ability to feel sexual pleasure. I've never been on any meds or had any sort of traumatic experiences...it's just the way I've always been even if I try. I'm old enough to say that I'm way beyond simply being a "late bloomer". It's just something I'll never experience.

But it often feels like I'm missing a minor sense like taste or smell or something. Everyone has always raved about the taste of dessert, but I've never been able to understand or experience it. Can you describe it in detail it for me? Not just the mental part, but the physical part as well?

Thank you.

Sincerely, An Outsider

What the hell is even "self care"? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by dingus to c/[email protected]

I have been trying out various therapy services lately (they all suck and do nothing, but that's another topic). One of the things that the therapists always ask/say is if I do "self care" or tell me to do more "self care". They talk about all kinds of different things that range from eating right to eating something as a treat to exercising to going for a walk to finding a hobby to etc.

So it seems like "self care" is literally anything that benefits your existence. And I'm quite frankly confused. I live alone and have zero responsibilities outside of work. Isn't every moment of every day when I'm not working considered self care? When I go home at the end of the day, I have dinner and dick around on the internet. I don't have kids or pets so there's nothing else to worry about. I don't have any extra responsibilities. My continued existence is "self care". I don't get it.

What I would understand in all of this is if I had maybe like kids or a sick family member I had to take care of. Is that who "self care" is for? People that have extra responsibilities? Because for those of us loners, basically our entire existence is self care. So I'm confused at what any of that is supposed to accomplish. I already do everything for myself.


Context: I'm in my early 30s. I've only been on a date like once in my life a decade ago and it was awkward and I hated it. The guy was nice but I didn't know what I was doing and then he wanted to kiss and I didn't (and still don't) know how to do that either and I found it unpleasant.

I do not have the capacity for attraction like 99% of the world does, so I figured it meant that I cannot date anyone since I am incompatible with the world. I have always been that way and it was very confusing growing up. It's ok for the most part but it can get a bit lonely.

I also have intense social anxiety. My only friends are online and one coworker.

Well I will be visiting with a stranger who I am closer on the same page with in terms of them not instantaneously expecting sex. But I am panicking a little bit still and still don't know what to do about the attractiveness thing. I've not done anything like this before.

We're going to a nature trail. Tbh I wish it was an environment where I could have a drink because that helps me relax, but it doens't really make sense in this context lol.

I guess I don't know what kind of responses I'm looking for but idk help lol



When I'm frustrated or anxious or upset, I vent to the few friends I have. This is a negative coping mechanism as it damages our relationships. I also experience extreme remorse after doing so, which further perpetuates it because I'm constantly asking to be forgiven.

Earlier this year I tried to see a therapist and ask for advice on this. She dismissed me and said that it's ok to do that and you can't simply keep everything inside.

She was incorrect and was also a shitty therapist for various reasons (she was 15-30 minutes late to each session and just dismissed anything I said).

I'm hopefully trying again with a new therapist soon, but I need advice in the meantime. It is actively damaging my relationships.

"Journaling" is not an option because I can't stop what I'm doing at work to go journal something whenever the need arises.

Thanks all. I can delete on request if needed.


Edit: Ok no worries guys it was definitely just the tub leaking! It just took several hours for it to stop dripping afterwards which is why I was confused at whether or not it was the tub or something else. All is well! It's a very infrequently used shower/tub so I hadn't noticed anything prior.

I'm guessing it's likely the tub drain itself that was leaking or it's possible one of the outflow pipes leaked from there. Either way it's not an urgent fix thankfully! I just posted this a bit hastily I suppose. I appreciate the comments!

Hello. So the other night I had a tub filled up with water for a prolonged period of time. I do not typically use the tub in that bathroom. The tub water was stagnant and thus the leak would not have been caused by inadequate caulking between the tub and wall.

Today I have awoken to find that my ceiling below the upstairs bathroom is wet and there is a dripping noise in the wall downstairs roughly under the tub.

I have drained the tub about 20 minutes ago, but there is still a slow, but continuous dripping noise in the wall below the bathroom. Since the dripping noise is still occurring at the same slow pace, does that mean it is unlikely to actually be dripping from the drain or pipework that drains from the tub?

My unit has a shared wall with the neighbor, so there is a chance that there is actually something leaking from their unit instead of mine.

Is there a way I can troubleshoot this a bit further without immediately ripping out the walls? Even if I can't find the exact source, just narrowing it down to something with the neighbor versus my own bathroom would be helpful.

I can't call a plumber right now because we literally just had a hurricane so they are going to be tied up for a bit.

Thanks all.


First, apologies if this isn't appropriate for a community called "casual conversation". I just don't know of another conversational community to post in. I am more than happy to delete this on request.

Does anyone out there seem to get addicted to their bad moods? Like, you've been feeling down on and off for a week. Instead of seeking out media, conversations, etc. that you know you like and makes you happy, you'd prefer to keep absorbing unhappy media and talking about unhappy things to keep you unhappy. It's almost like you begin to enjoy being unhappy and you don't want it to stop. What the fuck is even that though? Are some people just meant to be insufferable like that? I don't understand why this happens. When I'm happy, I want to continue to be happy. When I'm down, I want to continue to be down even if there is no discernible reason.

Just curious on your thoughts. Thanks for your time.


For context, my job involves the use of voice dictation software constantly for 8 hours a day. So I am constantly talking to the computer and thus my threshold to talking to others is significantly reduced.

I also generally enjoy talking as it is in my nature. So I need to combat that.

There is also the caveat that...for politeness and problem solving sake, I still need to be able to respond to questions from others (which is often).

With this in mind, how can I work towards never speaking to anyone unprompted? Does anyone have any specific techniques I can use? I think what I'm really missing is a method. It's like trying to pain the Mona Lisa without knowing any painting techniques. Thanks.


Edit: People are really making me out to be an evil psychopath with no empathy. I get that you can only tell so much from one post, but it's incredibly far from the truth. I have people that love and adore in my life and would do anything for. It just takes me a long ass time to get to that point...and as an introvert, my social battery with new people wears down quickly. Online dating is just difficult. I am not rude to others. Conversations just quickly peter out and neither I or my match end up continuing for much longer. The "ghosting" I speak of is often mutual. These aren't people I've interacted with for months that I suddenly stop talking to. It's chatting for a day or several and then we peter out.

If you think from this small post that I am such a psychopath as to discard a literal child, I don't know what to tell you. It's just leaping to such wild conclusions that I don't even know how to respond. I don't even necessarily want kids...I just want to be able to have the option to.

I'm sorry if this is too odd or specific of a question, but I have a bit of a dilemma.

I live alone. I have some work friends work friends, but they basically stay just friends at work. So I get lonely sometimes. And sometimes I just want to have someone around to do stuff with me. And sometimes I wonder what it might be like to raise a family.

So I occasionally try dating apps. But when I finally get someone to respond to me, my reaction is first a little bit of excitement, but then I get annoyed at having to chat with someone I just met all the time. So I unfortunately act like a dickhole by then ghosting them soon after. Even if I manage enough stamina to chat back and forth for a week or so, it always just ends up tiring and a bother to me.

The thing is, I don't really have much capacity to feel attracted to people. I'm probably somewhere on both the asexual and aromantic spectrums. So you'd think, why date? Just make a friendship then. But there are some things you can't do with a friend...like raise a family and such.

Plus, I don't even think I could manage a friendship with how difficult it is for me to like someone. I don't like anyone I just met. It takes a long time for me to enjoy and appreciate people, and many never actually make it to the point of someone I really like. There have been a couple of times where I have tried hanging out with people as friends and it's just...kind of dissatisfying to me?? Yet I really like hanging out with certain members of my family. I don't get it.

Plus like...what are you even supposed to do on a date or on an outing with friends? What are you supposed to say when you're chatting with a partner? How long and often are you supposed to chat with each other? I feel like I need some sort of a step by step guidebook because I don't even know what the hell people are supposed to do with each other.

Sorry if this is too specific. I'm just wondering if anyone else out there is as confused with human interaction as I am.

... (self.general)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by dingus to c/general


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