No one knows. It's a diagnosis of exclusion. It's a lot more common in infants (although still relatively uncommon), and significantly less common in kids. There are some types of conditions that you can't really tell at autopsy though. So if the heart suddenly starts beating out of whack or if someone had a seizure, there is not necessarily going to be evidence of that for you to know what happened, unfortunately.
What the fuck. I mean, it's terrible already but to have the fucking balls to just do that out in the open???? The fuck??
Possibly was listening to my sweet mom crying and softly begging my dad to stop raping her in the other room. I was in denial about it tbh. He was a verbally abusive man, but I never knew that it extended to anything physical. He was not shy about screaming at her in front of us kids, so I honesty didn't think I was correctly interpreting what I was hearing at the time. Both my patients were very quiet during this event. So I'm not sure how often it happened. I didn't help my mom or anything at the time like an asshole...I just wasn't sure what really happened.
It was only many years later when I stumbled across some PDF files of divorce paperwork where she stated that he would rape her. She chose much softer language in the paperwork, carefully avoiding the "r-word", but I knew she wasn't lying because of what I remembered. She did say that he often wasn't very physically "successful" at it, which I guess is a bit more comforting? Anyway, this absolutely and totally enraged me. I fantasized about ways I would torture this man. But alas I never did anything of use and continue to allow this man to speak to me and spend time with me. I'm an asshole for it, really.
Much less significant, but there was also a time where my brother repeatedly tried to record videos of me naked and didn't stop even after he got caught. That was such an intense violation of my privacy and permanently changed the way I feel about him and view him tbh. We have an ok relationship now, but I'll never forget it.
To be fair, it is quite odd that someone would lie about having a significant other. I get that it happens, but it's not exactly the norm and it's weird.
I think that's wholesome of you to have faith in what people say like that. If everyone were like you, then you wouldn't have to worry about who is lying and who isn't. Because people would just exist and be honest and say things and face value.
I honestly don't think there's anything inherently wrong in being this way. Just keep in mind that occasionally someone may lie in a way that may take advantage of you. So be careful out there.
Idk. I put my cart back but I have heard an occasional decent argument why someone wouldn't.
One of the biggest ones is a single parent shopping alone with multiple small children. I get that ideally the cart corral probably isn't super far away, but leaving small kids alone for even a short period of time must be nerve wracking and not always safe depending on the area and climate.
Really curious to see where this goes. It's a real shame that they banned Huawei in the States. They are doing some wild things with foldables.
I get to cut up human organs for a living. Whenever something is removed during surgery, it comes to me. It can be mundane but there are fun and interesting things too. The job is very hands on.
No, I'm not a surgeon. You wouldn't want me to attempt to perform surgery on you. I'm not a physician of any kind.
Wow...I played that way too fucking long lol. Then my phone screen froze and I figured it was time to stop playing.
Edit: I opened up my laptop to play and it seemed like it was begging for death from all the things on the screen lol. Was fun, though!
I'm not really sure where a not strict abusive parent fits.
Why don't you talk to him about it? You guys are both obviously close already.
I will's ok if you don't want to identify as gay or bisexual. But you clearly like doing these things with him already. I'm not saying that this means you should start identifying a different way than you want to. But what I am saying is that maybe you might like doing that with him as well. And it would be ok if you ended up liking it. It would also be ok if you didn't end up liking it. Everyone is different.
But yeah I think you should have a conversation about it.
Life is short and it's also a balance. It's ok to buy yourself something fun from time to time. :) The key to anything is moderation.
Is that an obvious plant logo lol