Nor the letter
You can use version numbers, but it's on you to change them when new point releases drop.
I guess it's a good thing the Debian releases all have version numbers then.
Correct answer. You can see the ground fractured around the pole.
What did you do to them?!
I un-licenced the Emily games from my steam library. The writing felt... arrogant? Like, it didn't matter what you chose you were wrong.
I know what consent is, I don't need a videogame to do things without mine and then rub it in my face.
It's good for bragging rights, but a u2955 Celeron Chromebook is better value for money.
I duct taped a RPi4 to the back of a Motorola Lapdock and used custom cables to make the combo into the worst laptop ever. If yours counts, mine does too. This is what the Lapdock looks like:
I've got a 500mhz Celeron from the P3 days, it runs OS/2 and has an ISA EPROM burner card in it.
The designers of the Tu-22 would like a word.
I have not doctored this in any way. This is direct from a screenshot of the YouTube app.