Why would Russia's agent of chaos want to rule over the u.s. when his goal is to destroy it?
The democratic party is there to provide you the illusion of choice, but the whole game is rigged with billionaires cash. At this point I don't see the democratic party as anything but the controlled opposition.
“There are a lot of good billionaires out there that have been with Democrats, who share our values, and we will take their money. But we’re not taking money from those bad billionaires.” - New DNC head
Remember that until just a couple of years ago Elon was a "good billionaire" whose green vehicles were going to save the planet! Wonder what he's getting up to these days...
When Trump is attacking the foundations of our country, loyalty to Trump comes at the cost of your loyalty to America. When he sells you out at his convenience know the rest of us will remember what you did.
Democrats are the controlled opposition that is happy to take progressive votes as long as they shut the fuck up and toe the line rightward. We wonder why they don't represent the needs of the worker while they snort billionaire cash same as Republicans do. The right and left hands of the wealthy will never work to our benefit, and with the new DNC head talking about only taking money from "good billionaires" you can expect more of the same bullshit.
It's funny how many people want to downvote this fact, but no matter how you slice it the difference between the pre-election messaging and post is deafening.
Agreed. Remember that corporate Democrats, on the heels of their loss, were grappling with the idea they should have tried to sell out trans people to try to get more republican votes? I remember.
They made a great deal of money though acting like they believed Trump winning was going to be the end of Democracy. I agree he will be, but their actions after the election show me they don't believe it, or they don't care because they see their own opportunity there. The fact that they aren't even trying to gum the works for his cabinet shows how on board they are.
If you were in a position of power watching these events unfold would you be cool helping rubber stamp to enable them? I sure a fuck couldn't. But our supposed "last bastion of democracy" collectively doesn't seem to have an issue. Don't want to rock the boat on the road to our new christofascist state huh?
Because Democrats are the controlled opposition party bought and paid for by the same billionaires that own the Republican party?
Billionaires wealth is exploding, while the rest of us suffer. But hey Biden and Harris patted themselves on the back saying they did their best. Zero messaging that questioned billionaire stranglehold on our country. Zero comments on the plight of the American worker beyond "the economy is going fine!" which is contrary to the reality that most Americans don't have $500 saved for any kind of emergency and for most of us the economy is not reflective of our prosperity.
They did try to cozy up to Republicans for their votes though! Remember during covid when Republicans were complaining about any $1000 checks for Americans suffering from the realities of covid because those checks were going I make them fat and lazy and not want to work anymore? I bet the people cheering those guys on have had a change of heart..........
Corporate Democrats run the party. Corporate Democrats are closer to Republicans that they are the Progressives in their party. It's why after the election their thought wasn't "did we fight hard enough for working americans?" it was "hey maybe we should start bashing trans people, it worked for Republicans".
For Corporate Democrats this is business as usual. They lost but so what? Their donation machine brought in a shit ton of money under the auspices of "this is the end of democracy if we don't win", but if they acted like that in their day to day it would piss off their billionaire owners. The billionaires bought fascism, why stand in the way of your masters?
Remember our new DNC chair committed to make sure they only take money from "good billionaires". How long ago was it Elon Musk was seen as a "good" one? The Tony Stark of business and technology. It's almost like the DNC is more interested in easy cash instead of meaningful representation...
This might be the funniest thing I've read all day. Thanks for that.
Sure champ. Show me where Harris advocated against the power of the wealthy to the benefit of the working class at all in her campaign. The silence there was deafening.
There are legitimate instances where "both sides" is blatant hypocrisy, but this isn't one of them. Democrats lost because they refused to address the inequalities and power the rich have. Just the other day the new head of the DNC was talking about how they will only take money from "good billionaires" showing they haven't learned a thing. When the wealthy can buy your party and control the direction it goes, seemingly always to the right, that's a fucking problem.
When it comes to the wealthy the right and left hands of this nation are more than happy jerking each other off for their personal gain at the cost to the rest of us. Corporate Democrats are Republicans for all intents and purposes in this case.
Probably because people are tired of supporting the controlled opposition?
From an economic perspective the Democratic party has abandoned working class Americans in favor of the ultra wealthy. Two hands supporting those who least deserve it, at the expense of us all. Harris did dick all to even conceptualize how she was going to help, and instead said "the economy is doing great!" which was the exact opposite of what regular Americans wanted to hear. Donald lied to them, but Harris didn't even bother to come to the table so they took the gamble.
Ultimately the controlled opposition wants you to be okay with a status quo piece of shit as their only choice for you. Why do you think we got milquetoast Biden after Trumps first term? We can sit here and be pissed off his DoJ did not hold trump accountable, but ultimately its what the wealthy donors wanted. Can't have wealthy people in America being treated the same under the law as the rest of us. Meanwhile back in reality if any American did 1/10th of the shit he has done we'd be locked up for the rest of our days.
Until Democrats purge the influence of money in their politics, those with the most money have the most control in deciding how our country runs. Guess who has the most money? Guess who is just fine taking that money while putting up a token resistance?
How much money did the Democrat political apparatus make off of the American people in '24? Being the controlled opposition is pretty lucrative especially when you're pushing messaging that "THIS IS THE END OF DEMOCRACY" while simultaneously showing you dont take it seriously because you refuse to piss off your wealthy donors by even questioning their power.
The husk of the Democrat party needs to hurry up and die so we can see actual progress in this country instead of having two right wing parties, right-light and right-death-cult.
Where were the Republicans threatening the Amish with violence because their leaders told them the Amish were REALLY there to harm them? It's like they aren't even playing the same game.
“There are a lot of good billionaires out there that have been with Democrats, who share our values, and we will take their money. But we’re not taking money from those bad billionaires.” - New DNC head
It's a good thing we can all agree on what the definition of good and bad is, and how its applied in our society right?