
joined 1 year ago
[–] davidgro 10 points 10 hours ago

Biden is the Democratic nominee. Sure it's not official until August 19-22 but unless he resigns, dies, or is otherwise fully incapacitated before then, he is the candidate who will be on the ballots in November. None of those possibilities seem likely.

[–] davidgro 7 points 1 day ago

There have been apps that set up a chroot with a desktop Linux distro for around a decade, maybe longer. Some of them don't even need root. But this one definitely sounds more integrated and is interesting for that reason

[–] davidgro 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

For the benefit of any of Today's 10,000 I just want to point out that this is a reference to a quote from a movie.
The same movie stars Danny Trejo as Machete.
This movie is Spy Kids 2.

[–] davidgro 1 points 2 days ago

Not spelled that way

[–] davidgro 10 points 3 days ago
[–] davidgro 36 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It certainly doesn't always get it right - I've seen subjects lit by bright sunlight in a nighttime background, or just from a wildly different direction, but within a subject the lighting usually seems consistent.

I've wondered the same thing myself, my assumption is that it just correlates how lighting works across millions of training images, much like how it manages to get gravity right most of the time.

[–] davidgro 4 points 5 days ago

Whatever that was is gone.

[–] davidgro 9 points 6 days ago

I wonder if it's a compile error to have multiple conflicting COMEFROM statements

I think there's at least one INTERCAL implementation where that's how you start multi-threading

[–] davidgro 4 points 1 week ago

Here you go. Choose wisely, or don't. Most of the options are just fine.

[–] davidgro 1 points 1 week ago

Basically a summary of the jailbreak prompt itself.

[–] davidgro 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

About the only one of those I use (besides the regular ones like 'a flock of birds') is 'a murder of crows'. Usually in a statement like "We just witnessed a murder."


The links inside the linked post are relative links, such as xkcd which is a link to /c/[email protected]

Boost does not open them when tapped, flashing an error instead.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by davidgro to c/support

There are unfortunately some subreddits which are still the best place to find timely info about certain topics - for example video game subs run by the developers of the game. Lemmit is a way to subscribe to those while not giving Reddit any more "engagement" or ad views.

The bot that runs Lemmit only posts on its own instance, so users like me only see it when we subscribe explicitly (or the All view I guess, but that's a mixed bag already. Edit: and each user could choose to ban it if they want)

r/HonkaiStarRail (old.reddit.com)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by davidgro to c/[email protected]
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