
joined 1 year ago
[–] d00phy 37 points 1 week ago (2 children)

In case you’re not being sarcastic, this is about 2-footed drivers. They tend to always have their left foot “resting” on the brake pedal “just in case.” What they ignore is there’s a small amount of movement in the brake pedal that will light up the lights but not engage the brakes. So even if they’re not just wearing down the brakes, they look like they’re braking ALL. THE TIME.

I also hate this.

[–] d00phy 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You think prom is weird. Do an image search for Texas homecoming mums.

[–] d00phy 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

While many in the US have one or more gun, I would argue most were unaware of bump stocks until the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting. TL;DR, a bump stock uses the recoil of the rifle as a “spring” to help pull the trigger over and over again - effectively behaving like a “machine gun.” As already stated, it does not meet the US legal definition of a machine gun because you’re still firing one round per trigger pull. The bump stock basically makes the trigger pull automatic.

As for why it’s a big debate, read the wiki article. One guy killed A LOT of people pretty quickly using this device to greatly increase his rate of fire. It was a public eye opener for much of the country. So much so, that even Donald f’ing Trump came to the realization that something should be don. He didn’t even really get much push back on it from the right or the NRA. That’s how sobering the massacre was. That said, it happened long enough ago that it’s memory probably isn’t powerful enough for anyone to change the law to ban them and similar mechanisms (see: the binary trigger elsewhere in the comments). If they tried banning them today, the NRA and conservatives would fight it tooth and nail.

[–] d00phy 5 points 1 week ago

It’s a simple dog whistle. He’s reminding everyone of the holocaust w/o saying the word.

[–] d00phy 4 points 1 week ago

Is there any other way?

[–] d00phy 3 points 1 week ago

I would only add that if someone calls out a specific behavior, really listen to them. Try to see their point of view. Often times, racism is about perspective, and it helps for both sides of that discussion to see and understand the other’s perspective. While their call out may just be a misunderstanding, it doesn’t lessen the hurt feelings and strong emotions that come with that.

A good example of this is the push for flat, or no, income tax; usually to being replaced by increased usage tax/sales tax/VAT. In the US, poor households tend to be minorities, and such a policy would disproportionately affect those people. Simply pushing for the policy isn’t necessarily racist. Not listening to economists who say the policy would disproportionately hurt minorities, would likely be seen by many as racist.

[–] d00phy 33 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

There’s a lot of depth to this reply, and it hits the nail on the head.

Seriously, as an emotional being, the guy is just empty. From his comment about not understanding why soldiers would go to war when they get nothing out of it, to his never ending willingness (eagerness, even) to toss literally anyone under the bus to save his own ass. This guy really has no earthly concept of sacrifice, honor, duty, community… seriously pull out a fucking thesaurus.

I think he is the single most self-centered person I’ve ever seen, heard of, or read about. I’m not even being hyperbolic. The greatest writers in history wouldn’t put a character like him to paper because readers wouldn’t buy it!

You say that’s how he understands friendship, and I agree. I’d only add that he genuinely thinks everyone else is just wrong about it. It’s kind of sad, and also kind of amazing to watch.

[–] d00phy 4 points 2 weeks ago

I don’t know if this isn’t already a thing, but if he uses that stock as collateral to overpay for another social media company, or some other stupid flex, he should be taxed on that valuation with no deductions whatsoever.

[–] d00phy 3 points 2 weeks ago

IIRC from high school, they taught us “V” was “Vega” and “W” was “doble Vega”. Looking at Wikipedia, I may be remembering that wrong. They have “ve” and “doble ve”

[–] d00phy 3 points 2 weeks ago

This is the way.

[–] d00phy 10 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I’ll be in a data center tonight and all day tomorrow. I get to drive home Sunday. Company will buy my wife and I dinner Sunday night.

Ole Miss Game Thread (self.wareagle)
submitted 8 months ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

In case anyone wants to discuss. I’m busy so I won’t see the game. Have fun… Everyone.

War Eagle!

submitted 8 months ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

Yep, ice hockey! Wish they came a little closer to home for me. I would love to see a game. They have an active FB group and some good looking jerseys for sale!

Side note, gotta love South Carolina forever leaning hard (pun intended) into their mascot!

submitted 9 months ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

I think a lot of folks saw this as the first big test for Auburn. Then we watched the team struggle against Cal. Fortunately A & M are perennial underachievers under Jimbo. Then again, they are at home. I think the Tigers have a shot if A & M underperforms and they can play a complete game. Could be a win to set the tone of the season. I think a loss would do the same.

Cal Game Thread (self.wareagle)
submitted 9 months ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

Tigers taking the late game out west.

UMass Game Tgread (self.wareagle)
submitted 10 months ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

In case anyone’s interested. I’m crazy busy today, so I’ll be watching recorded.


Please, people, can we have nice things again?

The original Auburn Oaks were planted between 1937 and 1939 then were removed in 2013 after being poisoned in 2010. Two oaks were planted in 2015 but had to be removed after one had fire damage. The newest trees were planted in February of 2017 and the University asked for them to not be rolled.

I remember the video footage of the one lady beating the crap out of the guy trying to light the TP/tree on fire.

Photoprism or Immich (self.selfhosted)
submitted 11 months ago by d00phy to c/selfhosted

I’ve seen a lot of recommends for Immich on here, so I have an idea what the answer here is going to be, but I’m looking for some comparisons between it and Photoprism I’m currently using Synology Photos, and I think my biggest issue is it’s lack of metadata management. I’ve gotten around that with MetaImage and NeoFinder. I’m considering moving to something not tied to the Synology environment.

well pump help (self.homeimprovement)
submitted 11 months ago by d00phy to c/homeimprovement

I have a well pump in my garage that seems to have stopped working. When plugging it in, I hear it running, but the pressure never goes up, and the motor never stops. No idea what I’m doing with this thing.


Like the title says, what are your favorite lyrics?

I just heard one of my favorite verses today:

“In a seedy karaoke bar by the banks of the mighty Bosporus Is a Japanese man in a business suit singing “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” And the muscular cyborg German dudes dance with sexy French Canadians While the overweight Americans wear their patriotic jumpsuits”


TL; DR: Strength: Secondary, weakness: O-line.


Record number of season tickets sold, breaking the record from 2014.


Not sure if this is just for content from kbin.social, but I’ve verified on another app and in the mobile web interface that the link is there.

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