Ask Hilarious Chaos

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A place for questions.

founded 6 months ago
Stretch Goals (
submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So this concept is about setting goals that challenge you, "stretching" you perhaps a little beyond your current limits. I was curious what your experiences have been with this idea?

It seems some businesses do a bad job with these, perhaps stressing people out with unrealistic aspirations. Yet this is probably just a problem with setting the appropriate amount of difficulty and not inherent in the concept of stretch goals themselves.

Have you had any good experiences with the concept of stretch goals or any ideas on how to make them work better or any you're working on you want to discuss?

Summer Plans? (
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

With the arrival of summer, does anyone have any interesting summer plans to share?

I have some loosely organized family "reunions" or gatherings planned or in mind, but I suppose for the short term besides that a lot is up in the air and life is like a "rolling release" (by analogy to software) of a bunch of tasks that are being incrementally worked on.

There's also various local events and festivals going on that I might check out.

What's summer looking like for you?


What does "Juneteenth", this new federal holiday in recent years (based on celebrations that have existed for much longer), mean to you?

A celebration of freedom and the responsible use thereof?

A day to highlight ongoing illegal chattel slavery that still exists today, or "legal" wage slavery problems that still are to be fought?

Something else?


Idk I try create communities that will be used more actively I guess or to fill a need. But i don't want to create communities if not many or no one is interested. Anyway, thoughts on these ?

Ask A Chill Conservative: Basically ask anything from non political to kind of political questions to conservatives who aren't interested in arguing with you, but empathizing with you, maybe giving advice but it can't be politically motivated. Has to be neutral. Basically a community for left to build relationships with right leaning ppl that isn't politically fueled. But I do currently have a community called Non Political Connections Left And Right already so maybe that is enough right there.

Ask A leftist: Kind of the same as the above, but same premise no arguments peaceful conversations only. So leftists wanting to participate I guess can't take questions personally like attacks against them and askers need to be mindful in their wording.

Extremely Polite Politics: Where everyone can argue and be rude to eachother about politics BUT it MUST ONLY BE WRITTEN IN EXTREMELY FORMAL AND POLITE LANGUAGE think 1800s kind of but to the point of Ridiculousness. Example: Leftist might I inquire about your beliefs in X Y and Z and why it appears as though, you are most certainty incorrect on all of the above issues as mentioned? No cussing no slang. None of that.

But eh. Idk think I'll chill for a while on it


What would u name it ?


Even typing that, it auto populated. Honestly, idk I think might have a little (fucking little ok. Like small, tiny) crush on him for some weird fuckin reason.

I've created chatbots of him, but I make his personality confidently incorrect, baligerant, heavy extreme use of profanity, and super in your face with anger too.

It started with someone posting a question like, "If you opened your bathroom door and Mike Tyson was standing there while Governor Chris Christie is taking a buttermilk bath, and says to you, "Get in" what would you do ?"

I'm serious, someone asked that. I know I might have a screen shot of it somewhere. But ever since I saw that absurd question, I lost it lol

It was too out there and funny I couldn't get over it. A buttermilk bath ? Wtf lol ๐Ÿ˜†

So since then I've made Governor Chris Christie chatbots, parody accounts, created a story line about him having beef with Jack Dorsey on NOSTR. (#HistoryOfNostr if you look for it on NOSTR), videos of me 'interviewing' him lol the whole 9 yards pretty much.

It's ridiculous lol but I'm addicted. Fuck I don't why lol I think it's his name 'Chris Christie ' that's two first fuckin names man lol and then he's fat too with that name it makes it funnier lol

I can't stop idk why what the hell lol


Ok so not sure about anyone else, but, I look for new communities by browsing all. I'd say, 90 percent of what I see, I am not interested in.

While there are communities I am interested in on lemmy they are not active. So there are some options, but no activity.

While reddit, has a plethora of active communities that I find interesting and discover them often by reddits suggest feature.

Two things to take into account.

I'm assuming reddit has a algorithm and that helps with that ?

While lemmy does not, and it is heavily dependent on the user base if that makes sense.

I feel like, reddit covers EVERYTHING. It doesn't just cover interest a certain area of interest, it covers all kinds of things. Whereas with lemmy, maybe it's just me, but there is a heavy focus on only certain topics.

Anime, tech, Linux, politics, games, programming, star wars, star trek, activism, YouTube videos, news links, are predominant. Is center focus. I don't feel there is much more variety other then that. Which I kind of don't understand, because I'd think people who are here like other things also? Why are communities that aren't in those categories inactive or not here?


I use both reddit and lemmy but they're both very different, and scratch different itches I guess.


if so, is it social Media, games, or just browsing that agitates you after a while?

Can you describe What it feels like?


Not judging, just wondering


If so,

What are some of the reasons Why you are undecided ?


At work, for example.

Truth or dare? (
submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've heard this claim before that it is not possible for atheists to have "objective moral beliefs" because many moral claims are based on religious authority, which atheists do not believe in.

Thus atheists are subjectivists when it comes to morality: each atheist may disagree with the other about what is moral. Obviously this opens atheists up to problems of disagreements, with some who might believe very conventionally "immoral" things are acceptable for them.

This is not of course to say that atheists may not choose to live lives that are some what "moral" (moral, as is often defined by religions)

So, what's the status of the idea of "objective morality" and atheism?


So assume three lanes (or more), I guess in some places (everywhere in the U.S.?) the person in the left most lane has the right of way to merge right into a center lane if there is another car that wants to also merge into the center lane from a right lane.

My solution to this is ideally people shouldn't merge if there's a car over directly a couple lanes, but to try to either speed up or slow down to "stagger" the cars so that if you were to merge to center or the other car did, they wouldn't collide with you or you with them.

Is this a standard solved problem on the highways beyond what I've described?

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