
joined 1 year ago
[–] d00phy 1 points 18 hours ago

So I do HPC installations, and using Mellanox/NVIDIA adapters in Ethernet mode absolutely sucks. First, when you initially install them, they’re named something like ens2f0, where “2” generally corresponds to the PCI slot. Pretty easy, until you install MOFED. Yeah, I know you don’t need MOFED, but the drivers included in RHEL are waaay old. Anyway, after installing the newer drivers, that exact same interface becomes ens2f0np0!

What’s even better is there’s no guarantee that a PCI Ethernet card in PCI slot 2 will be “ens2…” which I would argue is predictive!

[–] d00phy 3 points 6 days ago

There’s one on the northbound NJ Turnpike saying one is 500-something miles in the other direction.

[–] d00phy 17 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I don’t have kids of my own, but through my time with my step-kids, I’ve learned I would’ve loved to have one or two. I totally understand people who don’t want kids. They can be a huge, expensive hassle. But I feel like I’ve gotten so much more back from them than it ever cost me. Plus they gave me this cup that I drink from every morning.

[–] d00phy 20 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Well, I’ll be damned. Piece of shit turns out to be a piece of shit. Color me surprised!

[–] d00phy 6 points 1 week ago

Awhile back, I got a bookbub deal alert email about a series called the Lattice Trilogy. When I read the synopsis, I wasn’t sure I’d buy the premise: a future where privacy simply doesn’t exist. Still, out of curiosity and an extremely low price, I gave it a read. Wound up reading all three books. Since then, I’ve been watching privacy die in much less sci-fi-y circumstances.

[–] d00phy 4 points 1 week ago

Cleaning my attic/office and attending some Pride events w/ our awesome neighbors.

I might try and prune the holly bushes in front of my house, but it’s kind of late in the year to do that.

[–] d00phy 8 points 1 week ago

Happy birthday to your wife! I earned major husband points for my wife’s 50th! Hope you both have fun!

[–] d00phy 1 points 1 week ago
[–] d00phy 10 points 1 week ago

Hey, take it easy with the hot take!

[–] d00phy 3 points 1 week ago

Being from FL, I’m a snob about FL oranges. Particularly navels and blood varieties. California oranges can fuck right off.

[–] d00phy 37 points 1 week ago (3 children)
[–] d00phy 37 points 1 week ago (2 children)

In case you’re not being sarcastic, this is about 2-footed drivers. They tend to always have their left foot “resting” on the brake pedal “just in case.” What they ignore is there’s a small amount of movement in the brake pedal that will light up the lights but not engage the brakes. So even if they’re not just wearing down the brakes, they look like they’re braking ALL. THE TIME.

I also hate this.

Siblings (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago by d00phy to c/cat

One can’t keep herself out of a box or anything resembling a box. The other is responsible for the never healing contusion on his sister’s ear (though, she sometimes starts it).

submitted 2 months ago by d00phy to c/cat

Our mini schnauzer passed in January. They were pals.


Not much else to say.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by d00phy to c/asklemmy

Do you drink the cereal-flavored milk straight from the bowl? I grew up doing this because my parents taught me how good that milk tastes. As I’ve gotten older, I feel a little self-conscious about doing it in public. It’s not something I notice other non-children doing.

Editing to add: I do drink the milk from the bowl. As to when I'm eating it "in public:" hotels mostly. Self-conscious was probably the wrong word. I'm more wondering if people silently judge a grown person drinking cereal milk from the bowl. Not losing sleep if they do, just curious.


Trying to do a couple things. I have 2 jump hosts I can use to get into my cluster login node. From my laptop to the jump hosts is password. From jump hosts to login node can be key-based, so if I do it all from CLI:

[me@home ~]$ ssh user@jump1
[user@jump1 ~]$ ssh user@login1
[user@login1 ~]$ 

Same process if I use jump2.

So first thing I'm trying to do is set up my ~/.ssh/config to use the ProxyJump host and key file to get to login1. I have the following:

Host jump1
  Hostname jump1.domain
Host jump2
  Hostname jump2.domain
Host login1
  Hostname login1.cluster
  ProxyJump jump1
  #ProxyJump jump2

I'm not sure how to configure the IdentityFile entries for each jump host. The user on the jump hosts has different id_rsa keys in ~/.ssh, but both are in the authorized_keys file on login1.

Second thing I'm trying to do is join or start a tmux session. From CLI, I can run:

tmux has-session -t mysession || tmux new -s mysession && tmux a -t mysession

I've learned that to just join a running session (tmux a -t mysession), I need to include "RequestTTY yes" in my ssh config entry for login1. What I can't get working is the conditional statement that will fire up a new tmux session if it doesn't already exist.

submitted 5 months ago by d00phy to c/cat

I mean, yeah! Glad he's stepping down, but have to respect the guy. Glasd to see students give him the same sendoff they did for Bear. Tradition!


Not sure what to think here, but happy we're picking up some OL help. Seems like we're still overlooking this group somewhat. I don't care how good the QB and/or RB are. Without a solid OL in front of them they will not be consistently successful.

submitted 5 months ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

I've read some articles on this. On suggesting the students wanted "anyone but Dabo," to which I would ask, "so, Kiffin?" I think that would be pretty ironic, TBH. Given that Saban is helping with the transition, I don't know if that makes Lane's ascention more or less likely! Either way, it took Less Miles years to foul up the system Saban left at LSU. Then again, that was before the transfer portal was a thing!


Sad news:

After five seasons back at his alma mater, Auburn associate head coach and running backs coach Carnell “Cadillac” Williams is leaving The Plains, he announced Thursday evening.

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