
joined 2 years ago
[–] d00phy 23 points 3 hours ago

Elon Musk, ladies and gents. Genius of the World increasing government efficiency in the most inefficient way conceivable!

[–] d00phy 1 points 8 hours ago
Strands #357
“Oh, this old thing?”
submitted 1 day ago by d00phy to c/wareagle
[–] d00phy 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Also saw Reacher started a new season. I’m debating it, because I was not impressed with how the last season ended. I’ve read all the books and I think they really went overboard at the end of season 2. It’s too bad because the first season was perfect, IMO.

[–] d00phy 1 points 2 days ago

Something about his hair in the show and I guess lighting and makeup makes him look really different to me.

[–] d00phy 1 points 2 days ago

The new season has been pretty good, except for the one where they went to the Iron forge. That one seemed kind of all over the place. Only real low point in the whole show for me so far.

[–] d00phy 2 points 2 days ago

It was enjoyable, but he became insufferable about half to ⅔ of the way through. Didn’t realize there would be a season2, but it makes sense.

[–] d00phy 4 points 2 days ago

I have to swap out 2 hard drives. One in a new Mac Mini for my wife, and another for a 2013 iMac that I’m seeing if I can use for a Linux desktop.

[–] d00phy 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Watched Bad Monkey. I’ve enjoyed Carl Hiaasen books in the past, and this is has that vibe. A little too much Vince Vaughn, though.

[–] d00phy 3 points 3 days ago
Strands #354
“Together for the present”
[–] d00phy 43 points 3 days ago (2 children)

American here. You are absolutely correct. Europeans need to be calling their government representatives en masse demanding they do everything in their power to disengage from the US. Including evicting the US military.

[–] d00phy 61 points 3 days ago

Another American here. Yeah, we’re not Europe’s friend anymore. I hate it, but it’s true. Dear Leader has made it abundantly clear that unless you are somehow enriching him and/or his billionaire cabinet, he’s not interested in being your friend. You can hold up as many past agreements and treaties his predecessors signed and it won’t mean jack shit to him. Putin is his daddy because Putin loves oligarchs, and wants to be an oligarch sooooooo bad.

submitted 3 days ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

Arkansas covered, FWTW. They've been strong, and the SEC is just brutal this season. Any win is a Good Win!

[–] d00phy 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

TL;DR: Bad Shit that overshadows My Shit happens in the world. But My Shit happens to Me, and my not liking it doesn't in any way negate the others' Bad Shit (which they're also fully allowed, encouraged even, to complain about).

People complain. It's human nature. The happiest people in the world have complaints. If you feel like you're seeing it too much, it could very well be a symptom of where you spend your time. Taking some of your points one-by-one:

"... at least from what I can tell on the internet"

This is your biggest problem. The Internet is hardly an accurate reflection of society. Half the people on social media work hard to project what they think is a "perfect life" to others. The other half pretty much do the opposite: complain.

"... other countries have wars... we complain that eggs are too expensive..."

You ever heard the saying "all politics are local?" This, right here, is that, 100%. We can all agree that what's going on in war zones and third-world countries trumps any thing likely to happen to us in a "these western 1st world countries," but does that mean I'm not allowed to be upset about the things negatively affecting me, or just that I'm not allowed to voice my frustrations? "Oh, I just got fired and will probably be evicted in a couple months, but people on the other side of the world don't have food, so I should be happy." Me being mad at something that angers me doesn't lessen the tragedies of the world.

"Why do people waste all this time with complaining..."

If you've ever dated someone, or had a really close friend, you learn that sometimes when they complain to you, they don't expect you to fix their problem. They just need an avenue to vent. The Internet is also used pretty widely for this. They're not "destroying their own life," they're venting, or actually looking for help, which is actually pretty healthy!


Alabama never led in this game. I think the Tigers have shrugged off the Florida loss!

submitted 2 weeks ago by d00phy to c/wareagle

2nd loss of the season, but they're both to two of the best teams in the country. Lots of work to do before the tournament.


I got a P1S as a Christmas present for me and my wife. For now, my plan is to block its internet connection and stop using the Bambu app altogether. When/if it his stops working for me, what does the community recommend as a replacement for newbies like me, or future newbs who haven’t made this mistake?


#1 team in the country! Now, let's see if they can hold onto it with Broome out. Florida, Bama, and MSST worry me. I think Tennessee was a bit of a pretender since they hadn't really played anyone until Florida lit them up. Lots of talent there, though, they could still figure it out.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by d00phy to c/[email protected]
Daily Octordle #1085
Score: 69

That was close!

Good British comedy (self.britishtelly)

Looking for some good comedies. I looked at the top shows on Brit Box (streaming channel in the US), and most of them are police procedurals! I think the first comedy is Gavin & Stacy, which I haven’t seen but isn’t there something newer? My wife and I have enjoyed Coupling and Inbetweeners. Any suggestions?


Guy: Jenny McCarthy?

Martin: That’s OK.

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