
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 24 points 18 hours ago (7 children)

I hate ads, but sometimes prime puts 2 minutes of ads at the beginning of a show or a movie and then no ads, I'm ok-ish with this, much better than imdb or tubi that play the same commercial every 15 minutes

If I start a stream and it shows that it will have several breaks I stop it and get it from the high seas

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

The liquid was supposed to be coffee

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I think he meant wyverns

[–] [email protected] 48 points 5 days ago

The front fell off

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The e is really used (at least in Mexico) The @ was used in my times (millennial) but it was mostly to avoid writing twice: niños y niñas -> niñ@s but the e really incorporates a neutral plural

x I've only seen it from corporations and white people

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

That sounds correct 😅

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I disagree, I'm an engineer and I prefer it over not engineering positions. My only ragret is not keeping up with coding since it was my favorite subject in college

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Found this related vsauce when looking for a video of how does it look to run qudrupedally

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Everytime I drive South from Michigan my first stop is at a waffle House in Toledo, OH

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I noticed that too, but when I tried to buy elsewhere they were even more expensive (not wholesale)

I've been avoiding kroger as much as I can since they increased prices the most, at least for the stuff I buy

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