
joined 2 years ago
[–] creditCrazy 5 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I can imagine a battle between the glocktopus v the Glock ness monster tuning into a conspiracy themed death note parody

[–] creditCrazy 2 points 7 months ago

Look he's a very special Terminator

[–] creditCrazy 2 points 7 months ago

No no no the earth is fat not flat

[–] creditCrazy 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Ok hear me out get a minivan and sawzall the back off turning it into a compact truck

Id put a /s if I wasn't thinking of putting this on my bucket list

[–] creditCrazy 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Exact reason why I really want to put a hitch receiver on my lil BMW z3. Half because it makes it more practical, and half because I just think it looks funny with a big trailer attached to it. Also I have hauled firewood with a trailer designed for a truck attached to a tiny Yamaha big Bear from the 80s. That if a lil 1 cylinder ATV can do that a 6 cylinder BMW z3 can absolutely haul a couch or two so long as there's a spot to attach a trailer.

[–] creditCrazy 11 points 7 months ago (2 children)

If argue another thing that is fighting against Kai trucks is the fact that I'm told that there is a dealership feedback loop. For example the reason why cars are rather black and white now is because dealerships viewed that those colors sold better. Same thing with auto transmissions. However we are now finding those cars are selling better is because there are more of them, and there are more of them because they sell better. I suspect the same thing is happening with big trucks. Bigger luxury trucks are selling better than small trucks because there are more big luxury trucks, and there are more big luxury trucks because they sell better. This feedback loop exists because dealerships force consumers to select from what they have when you want to buy a new car. When you look at the second hand market you'll find colorful manual small trucks sell better than colorless automatic luxury trucks.

[–] creditCrazy 1 points 7 months ago

As someone who likes moving parts on cars like pop ups that would be so sick hell I've even fantasized about pop up tail lights that do basically this

[–] creditCrazy 1 points 7 months ago

I suppose the main bulk of people misinterpreting op is due to how most people don't think of EVs as the default and as someone who lives in a part of the US where EVs are pretty rare I assumed Regen braking was activated by pressing the brakes but hey I guess that goes to show my lack of ev experience and motivation to think about how driving one works due to how rarely I come across them and have the opportunity to even consider buying one

[–] creditCrazy 3 points 7 months ago

I'm slightly surprised Vermont is medium considering we hardly have anyone out here but at the same time the few people here are typically oblivious drivers and we are practically a giant mountain range

[–] creditCrazy 4 points 7 months ago

As a varmoner I'm surprised our max wasn't 60 we typically get as high as 40 and only the interstate gets to 60 and it's 50 as you go through the Burlington area

[–] creditCrazy 7 points 7 months ago

Oh they have a row it's just empty like the user base

[–] creditCrazy 10 points 7 months ago

Literally right place wrong time

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