I'm aware. That doesn't negate the fact that the comment I replied to is incorrect.
joined 2 years ago
My kid can use his steam account on my computer or his deck while I'm on my deck and use our shared library. The only limitation is we can't both play the same game.
u/spicieststacy over on Reddit
Megan Murray in Tiny Holes for kink.com
Thanks for the reminder of why I have you tagged as "Transphobic Piece of Sh¡T"
Nice! Anyone got a name?
Ahh... The glorious Emily Lynne!
Don't have to issue visas if Mexico becomes a US state.
Of course, if Mexico becomes a US state then theoretically the Mexicans become US citizens, with all the rights and protections that affords.
Well, now I know what I want to eat for lunch!
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Ahh. Sorry, sometimes it's hard to catch the tone of a comment. Thank you.