Atteindre ce niveau de richesse présuppose un certain niveau de narcissisme
In french we have "concours d'orthographe". Pronunciation is pretty consistent, but we add a dozen letters for every sound we utter, so spelling's still a mess.
That's right, someone talked about commenting that on everyone's Spotify wrapped.
Edit: here it is:
My god, that's perfect! Wait, no, I'm perfect!
I understand that being comfortable in one's own skin means being comfortable with being average, but... Can't I also be amazing and the best and like, so cool? Why can't I be well adjusted and also perfection incarnate?
I think this is the best take, just like Trump he's willing to say any old bullshit to get his way. I'm unwilling to call it charisma, I'd rather go with mythomania.
A lot of people from the city have second homes there, vacation spots. Maybe that can explain it?
With a blue shirt and a glove then there's some leeway
The area's grey in a TSA lane
To impress a chick, helicopter frisk
Helicopter frisk
Helicopter frisk
And mother 3. Dear God, mother 3.
There's good reason for that, outside of a few industries, American unions were pretty comprehensively dismantled by the likes of Reagan. We're resilient creatures, we'll tolerate a lot before burning out, but people will also demand better conditions if they're shown they can have a say. We just don't have many contemporary examples of workers wielding that kind of power in the states. The guilds in the movie industry are a steadfast counterexample, though, and united auto workers have been showing some muscle recently. There's no denying it's a really tough battle, but people will fight back if they're given some hope.
Sorry to go straight for Godwin's law, but Eichmann's entire defense relied on saying he was just doing what he was told, "My fault is only my obedience". It's not much of an argument.