Gekochte Zwiebeln sind ziemlich süss, laut schneller internet-Recherche wohl grob 5-7%. Insgesammt wird aber wohl auch in der Soße sowie im Teig Zucker zugesetzt.
Ich mag sie auch und würde behaupten dass es der Zucker aus den Zwiebeln ist. Eventuell auch noch zugesetzter Zucker. Die zusammen mit dem fischigen Geschmack, des Pfundes Salz, dem Zucker im Keksboden, ... Eh Pizzaboden und des Palmfetts (da bin ich jetzt unsicher) wirds machen.
So it was the Ukranians just like with NordStream II?
It's usually good for ecosystems with good and loads of docs. Whenever docs are scarce the results become shitty. To me it's mostly a more targeted search engine without the crap (for now)
I'm working on a weather station with a tiny oled display. In the end I spent all my time implementing a small windowing system and plotting lib.
I ran an XMPP network based on prosody and used snikket on android. Can recommend!
Heh, that's also interesting for me to hear. I usually also tend to try and constrain everything and make it as parametric as possible. Since this model became more complex than previous ones I took the liberty to be approximate eg. when lining up the glands and the holes. In the end i just want something printable as quickly as possible. I'll probably never change the dimensions again. It's therefore more time efficient to re model things if I ever need to adjust things.
With the new assembly toolbox I might find an easier way to fit things like the glands and the holes together. Maybe by just tying a cutting object and the gland together and using booleans (which I find quite cumbersome to use).
Great project! I would love to see them on someone. I fortunately don't need glasses but I might at some point consider printing sunglasses.
Ok, since you're really interested, here's my file: I started out by using a master sketch but got a bit lazy afterwards, so quite some things are positioned manually. I'm not sure it's the best file to learn from but maybe it's not terrible either.
Thanks, not yet since there are quite a few things missing still unfortunately. Once I've completed it and successfully printed it, I'll publish it somewhere.
I'll try on my good old ender 3 with PLA. Should do the trick.
I've had massive differences in readouts in DHT22 from aliexpress. They are really not good sometimes