I'm working on a weather station with a tiny oled display. In the end I spent all my time implementing a small windowing system and plotting lib.
An unofficial community for Espressif's ESP32 chip.
- Content must be about the ESP32/ESP8266 chips or Espressif
- Don't be an asshole
- No blog spam
there's more activity in the linked post, if you want to repost your project there
Nice question. I have a complete shelf of unfinished ESP32 projects. I'm dabbling with ESPhome and audio stuff every now and then. I was trying to get the voice assistant running but there are so many different issues... I've settled for a webradio for now. That works - though - it's more a ball of loose wires, I'd need to fix my 3D printer to print some casing. And decide what amount of features is enough for a webradio/voice assistant. Something I finished during the last few weeks is some christmas lighting for the front yard. I bought 40m of fairy lights, wrapped it around a smaller tree, soldered a controller and had that running for Halloween. I'm going to need to find a more permanent solution to get some electricity out there, maybe next week. And then it's supposed to run each night during the season. And a few weeks before that I built an artificial fireplace for the livingroom. That's two 8x32 LED matrices with a beefy 5V power supply and WLED on the ESP.
(Edit: Saw your comment regarding the lemmy.ml community a bit too late. Now my comment is here. And I don't like lemmy.ml that much anyways.)