And was it Tuesday when he found out?
joined 2 years ago
Fair, but you can get a lead testing kit for around $10 USD.
A lot of fast food places have undergone this due to private equity acquisitions.
Whataburger and Dunkin Donuts used to be much better around me.
I was really fond of Gargoyles.
Xanatos was an incredibly well written villain now that I think about it again.
How did you get my password to show up?
I str8 r8 8/8
I think it’s the 2 lady warthog’s being enamored with the one that walked in.
Sometimes you’ll hear someone say so-and-so is “god’s gift to man,” usually used to describe an attractive man among ladies, and this is the equivalent.
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I’ve never had them but Black Death Candy is very sour.
Here’s a video of L.A. Beast eating some and having a bad time.