joined 2 years ago
Idle Thumbs and Important If True feeds both sit fallow in my Overcast. I refuse to delete them in perhaps misguided hopes that one day a seedling will spring anew.
This is laser-targeted at me holy shit.
I never knew there was a distinction, thanks!
I thought they drank Parmalat up there in Canada.
Yeah but they’re out
That’s really big of you, OP.
Looks fantastic! Victory Gundam gets less respect than it deserves.
Applies to tires also, and for the same reason.
It’s actually “One bad apple spoils the bunch”, so it’s very accurate.
GBA really had an attractive cartridge design; just the molding itself. Nice proportions.
A couple of weeks ago my 4.5 yo casually leaned over during lunch, vomited on the floor, then went back to eating as if nothing happened.