
joined 1 year ago
[–] bblkargonaut 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

"whats so impressive about this?"...clicks on image... "Oh wow" on the magnifing glass "holy crap!!!, so much detail on each feather and iridescence colors, and the spots around their eyes!!!"

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The US agent plot line was the best part of the show, and his story arc made sense. The I feel like the flag smasher plot line kinda went off the rails, and they wanted to make them sympathetic characters but lost the plot in the process. Zemo on the airplane was both entertaining and a little cringe. But the police officer stepping between falcon and the Winter soldier was so cringe I had to pause for a moment, like how does someone in America after endgame not recognize one of two avengers standing in front of him, when one has a full metallic arm. I think I would have liked it better if I wasn't hoping for a 24 or NCIS with superheroes.

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

We actually both enjoyed most of she hulk, it was the ending going off the rails that was too much for my wife. She had no idea who Kevin was and all the other stuff didn't really pay off. I've been sour on the MCU since falcon and the Winter soldier cringe fest, but I keep watching the movies because I would find someone enjoyment to balance out the frustration of missed opportunities to adapt old comics storylines.

For my case we have been family sharing subscriptions and Netflix was always our responsibility even though I'm well versed in the skill set needed to sail the seas, and for years it worked out great. But the family sharing nonsense has finally made it inconvenient enough to go back to the sea. Cocomelon and love is blind show on Netflix a must have for the family.

[–] bblkargonaut 10 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Netflix has been such a staple for so long it took a full Arr suite to get my wife to be ok that I cancelled it. When it came to Disney plus, she didn't care because she's not into Star wars and she hulk soured her on marvel. My 5 year old niece and nephew only ask to watch Netflix when they come over. As someone who has witnessed them kill so many franchises I love, I think Disney cracking down on password sharing is a great idea.

[–] bblkargonaut 3 points 2 months ago

I don't think the general public appreciates how fing weird bird genomics are, and how this was basically impossible without machine learning.

[–] bblkargonaut -1 points 3 months ago

Sweet summer child

[–] bblkargonaut 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

The funny thing is that we have to be present during inspections because we have to allow them into utility areas and different units along with giving tenants notice that people will enter into their homes. We passed 2019's inspection and was working on getting leed grant to help finish some improvement needed to qualify to accept section 8 renters since we just replaced all the windows and installed central air conditioning in each unit. The violations were for things corrected across almost 20 years of inspections. There was no inspection that led to our violations.

[–] bblkargonaut 3 points 3 months ago
[–] bblkargonaut 17 points 3 months ago (6 children)

My family owns a few rental properties. It was the mechanism that allowed my grandfather who grew up in 1930s Mississippi working the same land his slave grandparents did to escape poverty and retire pretty well off. He moved to Chicago, worked as a garbage man, bought a 3 flat and lived in one unit and rented the other two. Eventually he invested his money in more properties and and had his lawyer buy his house in the racist suburb of Oak Park so my mother could grow up in relative comfort.

The company was never ment to extract unlimited profit, we actually had many unprofitable years due to demographics changes, recessions, maintenance, and poor tenants causing damage ( who flushes weave down the drain?). But in aggregate it's made enough to give stability, because being a landlord is always our side job.

During the pandemic my mother worked with all the tenants who lost their jobs or had limited or no income. Since none of our properties have a mortgage, she reduced rent to just enough to cover the insane Illinois property taxes and the shared utilities for the people that could pay. When the boiler went out she picked up a few extra nursing shifts with covid pay to cover it. When things returned to the new normal or when tenants found new work, she just had them resume normal rent without needing to pay any back rent in their lease.

You'd think we would be rewarded for doing the right thing and treating people with basic human decency, but no. When we applied for covid assistance, the money was gone. We then started to receive building violations for one of our properties is an up and coming area. The funny thing about these violations was that they were for items repairs 10 years earlier, and also for things we received city and used city grants and contracts to fix. Now we are currently in a legal battle with the city where they want us to take a $900k loan to fully renovated the building or have the city seize the property because it's a "crime den" in their words. Like how, we screen everyone, rent mostly to old people and single mothers, and have camera in public areas and around the buildings. We even routinely provide footage to the police when they request it, even though that means we have to buy a new DVR since we have yet to have one returned.

But ever since covid and this inspection bull, we get daily calls letters, emails from corporations expressing their interest in buying our not for sale property.

[–] bblkargonaut 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I'm a biochemist

[–] bblkargonaut 12 points 4 months ago (3 children)

And the magic is a hot plate and a spectroscope. The top two beige boxes do the exact same thing qpcr.

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 4 months ago
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