
joined 1 year ago
[–] bblkargonaut 10 points 1 day ago (3 children)

A partial solution is to remove nimby laws that prevent accessory dwelling units, duplexes, and medium and high density housing. Then you use the tax laws to heavily punish corporate ownership of low and medium density housing, and make it progressively more expensive for mom and pop landlords after a reasonable number of properties.

Hopefully this would lower the cost for single family housing, while increasing supply and variety of rentals. But somehow you'd have to prevent end stage capitalist collusion from fixing prices so competition could actually work to drive down prices.

[–] bblkargonaut 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Lol yeh but it's partially funded by money saved from canceled subscriptions.

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I'm a noob, I started 2 months ago with immich and tailscale. Now I have an unraid server, it's a slippery slope.

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 3 weeks ago

Pretty good description. Few extra points. -you don't need to don't need to do PCR to have enough Nucleic acids to visualize on the gel. Often you use gels to visualize things like purified plasmids. You can also digest your plasmids with enzymes to confirm genomic insert. -these type of gels have many uses outside of direct comparisons, for example you can use the gel purity DNA of a particular size by cutting out the band, melting the gel and using a silica column to pull the DNA out of the melted gel slice. This is super common when you do molecular cloning.

For what is possibly wrong with the top gel.

  • the wavy line in some bands indicates uneven current, this can be due to sample composition before loading the gel, like having cellular debris along with your DNA or a mismatch between the buffer used to make the gel and the running buffer.

-the blurred bands can be a lot of things. It might just be inherited to the sample type, for example raw genomic DNA will look like this because you'll have enzyme that degrade DNA, and a lot of mid replication chromosomes resulting in fragments existing across a spectrum of sizes equally. Additionally the it could also be user error with overloaded well or not enough loading buffer in the sample so it's not pushed in to gel evenly, or it was run to fast.

Overall the top gel just looks like crap and the bottom gel looks great, but depending on what was run you really don't know what the gel should look like, if I was testing endonuclease activity the top gel would probably be what I was hoping to get. If was doing PCR on single gene, the bottom one is better.

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 1 month ago

Most definitely and probably be missing some limb by now.

[–] bblkargonaut 28 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Star wars has been effectively marketing me lightsabers for years, and I can't even carve a turkey with mine.

[–] bblkargonaut 14 points 1 month ago

Criticism from people who never watched a star wars movie

[–] bblkargonaut 39 points 1 month ago (5 children)

The reason people are getting stuck up on sports and gendered bathrooms is that it's a wedge issue that can be weaponized to keep people fighting and distracted by culture war nonsense so the focus isn't on the building of the Orange Reich, a dozen companies contributing to almost all the climate change, and our economic system working to keep us enslaved.

[–] bblkargonaut 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I really hope we get the last few expanse books as a movie trilogy with the TV series actors in like 5 years so the actors can age appropriately for the time gap accounting for anti aging meds. Maybe ignore TV series actual ending and recast certain actors so we can get some of the best parts of the last few books.

[–] bblkargonaut 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I wish they would kill the MCU and just start over comic book style.

[–] bblkargonaut 62 points 1 month ago (11 children)

I paid $1000 for books my first semester of college back in 2007. I felt so burnt and violated I never bought another textbook. I made it through the rest of undergrad, a masters, and a PhD in biochemistry by checking out books from the library, borrowing textbooks from friends, and going sailing. When I taught I made it a point to teach my students about all the ways they can avoid becoming a victim like myself.

[–] bblkargonaut 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

"whats so impressive about this?"...clicks on image... "Oh wow" on the magnifing glass "holy crap!!!, so much detail on each feather and iridescence colors, and the spots around their eyes!!!"

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