
joined 1 year ago
[–] asteriskeverything 1 points 9 hours ago


[–] asteriskeverything 1 points 5 days ago

Yo queiro taco holder

[–] asteriskeverything 1 points 5 days ago

I mean you're technically correct but it is also really pedantic.

Thanks for pointing out the bias of my language choices

[–] asteriskeverything 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Indoor cats ONLY for life bro.

It would be a security donkey. For the strays and idiots that have outdoor cats. I'd probably have to name him Batman; idk if legally I'd have another option at that point.

Buy yeah I guess you're right on living conditions, damn logic

[–] asteriskeverything -3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Both can be true at the same time babe

You don't deserve downvotes for your statement though. It's not like you were being contrary or intentional obtuse just contributing to the discussion.

[–] asteriskeverything 16 points 6 days ago (5 children)

Oooh I like this a lot, it is more than the usual 'have the confidence of a straight white man' or smth I see which hehe fun and empowering but at the expense of an entire gender.

[–] asteriskeverything 10 points 6 days ago

Some of them read the Bible, never read the news. They just listen to what they community says. If everyone you know and trust says president Jimmy bean is the most fantastic Christian devout president ever why would you question it?

I mean they already don't possess much critical thinking skills at that point, at least in this kind of context.

[–] asteriskeverything 14 points 6 days ago

Legit was mindblown when my friend got glasses and was so fascinated that trees had leaves! Happy to know that appreciating this beautiful detail of nature is a bit of a universal experience

[–] asteriskeverything 14 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Ok are donkeys known for fighting off coyotes or something??? Should I be getting backyard donkeys to protect the neighborhood cats? And how did I go for so many years on the internet just learning this now?

[–] asteriskeverything -1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I am so sorry for what you went through and that you still struggle with symptoms today.

I honestly read this as a near fatal Rollercoaster accident and I was struggling so hard because boy did I want to know more of what that meant, but how insensitive to ask!

I'm sorry it wasn't that. At least then you could avoid going on a roller-coaster ever again but it was and probably still is difficult being in or driving a car. I hope you're doing well!

[–] asteriskeverything 3 points 1 week ago

Oh there are studies on it, at least the only one that matters :p (Mythbusters e142)

[–] asteriskeverything 6 points 1 week ago

I know this is now such a cliche thing to say but I legitimately expected this headline to be from the onion.


Here is the Opening Draft [01:32], which could serve as a trailer.

And his current project/upcoming video is the entire series of Power Rangers

Would it be a good gift? (self.baldurs_gate_3)

Yeah sorry not your typical post here, I hope that's OK!

I'm thinking of getting this for my (14)nephew and my brother to play together. He used to play DND in the 80s and this game really sounds like it tries to honor a lot of the culture and whatnot of the games.

But... I haven't played anything like either of those and my brother is extremely busy with little free time and my nephew doesn't have as much free time as the average kid.

Is this a game that could still be enjoyable in small doses? Does it get overwhelming or stressful fast for most people who don't play games nearly as long or as intense as this? For context they play a lot of match style games but my brother loved the original assasians creed.

And if not or for some reason you have another suggestion I'd love to hear it because at the very least this game sounds good to me and I'm interested in what other games it's fans like that I could also check out. :)


Ya'll jealous of my black 08 prismacolor fine line marker and pilot precise v7 rt.

Okay what the fuck is that last one? Why does it sound like a sports car marketed to males 14-26?


Is there a really popular product, technique, or otherwise viral trend that you tried and it fell short somehow?

What was it, what were your expectations, and what was the result?

(LOL no shame, totally posting this in the makeup community if I can find it)


I love how far against mainstream Radcliff has gone post HP. And this is just delightful regardless

submitted 11 months ago by asteriskeverything to c/oldtv

What is an old show you think is great and really doesn't get mentioned enough? Why should someone watch it?

Cats are a Blessing (

Hope mildly witchy stuff qualifies. At least while things start gaining momentum. I have a lot of those!

A Good Reminder (

You're important too

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