I mean it makes money but I feel like it’s much less labour intensive to do starfruit or ancient fruits.
I connect it to my projector to watch content.
Sorry maybe I wasn’t clear. I meant that sometimes hospital have a policy to not let you in to see or stay with your significant other if you are not a family member. If you are not married you are not family so they could refuse you seeing your partner in some situations.
Think hospital: “Sorry, family only”. Do it before you need it.
I’ve done Halloween for the first time in the uk with my 2 year old, and we passed a few lightly decorated doors (apartment block). Most other flats had a bowl of candy outside and is this one not having it, we were not sure if we could knock or not. I found myself thinking that they were out or didn’t want to be bothered. It has become very unclear. I think next year even if I’m at home (before we go trick or treating) I will put a sign on the door if I want them to knock, so I make it clear to all.
Wouldn’t the hidden text appear when highlighted to copy though? And then also appear when you paste in ChatGPT because it removes formatting?
A 12 year old drew a recognizable picture of another 12 year old? Doubt it.
In case you missed the markings on it, it’s also free and runs on electricity, which in France is low carbon.
His parts are covered. Even so, what is the issue with nudity? This is a global event, in many parts of the world people are not as prude as occidentals. Some go naked to public baths, or beaches.
I live in Greater London and I’m right past a busy street going straight in London. I see a good number of electric vehicles but it’s nowhere near 70%. Do you remember where you read that? I’m curious to check the rate of progress. (I would love for my street to be quieter)
Après il n’y a pas que les péages et le carburant. Techniquement si tu veux comparer le train et la voiture il faut prendre en compte le prix de la voiture (avec l’emprunt) sur sa durée de vie, plus l’assurance, le contrôle technique et la maintenance à prévoir. C’est dur à chiffrer mais ce sont beaucoup de coûts qu’on a tendance à oublier quand on prend sa voiture pour faire un trajet.
Thanks for your options and opinions. The streak is addictive but I decided to punish this move by Duolingo and delete the app. I switched to LingoDeer for now. I did find this fun message when I tried to delete the app that made me chuckle.