
joined 2 years ago
[–] antimongo 2 points 2 weeks ago

Great idea! Just posted!


Lots of fascinating reads.

I had no idea about the Network State. Which, to me, is bananas-crazy. Felt like a conspiracy theorist just reading about it… but it’s all cited, it’s a very real ideology that a lot of people that are now in power subscribe to.

Also interesting was the implications for the Trump presidency (post appears to be written before the election).

[–] antimongo 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Here’s a not-so-fun read tangential to this guy.

[–] antimongo 2 points 2 months ago

Nice Chat-GPT you got there

[–] antimongo 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Been curious about deploying HA with docker. As I understand the only limitation is you can’t use add-ons?

[–] antimongo 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I watched the same video!

I was right about to disagree and type “wait this only applies to light” but then I remembered: radio is light.

Crazy to think about that!

[–] antimongo 3 points 2 months ago

Similar, but I believe the strength addition is also because it changes the directions of the Z-axis layers.

Most filament is rather strong in tension. If you imagine printing a regular cube, without rotation, it’s going to be strongest stretching or compressing the sides of the cube.

But if you pulled the cube apart from its top and bottom, the only adhesive strength is the fused connection between layer heights. Which is super weak.

By printing at an angle, the layer heights may be in a direction that doesn’t receive tensile load, making it functionally stronger.

[–] antimongo 2 points 2 months ago

Yup, the US only regulates “guns.” Which is the part of the assembled firearm that has the serial number. Everything else is a “gun part,” which for the most part, are not controlled.

So if you can acquire/manufacture the “gun” you can buy the rest of the “gun parts” on eBay.

[–] antimongo 12 points 3 months ago

I used to be heading down this path as a teenager. For me, college was the eye opener. When I broke away from my normal bubble of people, I would have my opinions and biases challenged.

I like the travel suggestion as well. Also I went to some music festivals around that time that were pretty significant to my beliefs. I guess it depends on the type of music they prefer though.

[–] antimongo 3 points 3 months ago

Well the grid needs the most help late afternoon. Which is right when solar starts to ramp down and when people get home and load starts to ramp up.

During solar hours, prices sometimes even turn negative. Literally paying people to take your energy, since solar is so plentiful.

The issue is those late afternoon, early evening hours.

And it’s actually more difficult on power plants. Solar is great when the sun is out, but when it goes away, you need all your power plants running. Issue is, a lot of power plants don’t like to turn on and off. They’d prefer to just run at one speed, all the time. But when the sun is out, we have to turn off power plants, since we’d make too much power. And turning them back on can be a long and expensive process.

And that’s where some of this rhetoric comes from. From a power plant perspective, we go from no-load in the afternoon (all solar), to full load in the late-afternoon/early-evening (no solar). The grid was never designed for this, and it’s having a hard time adapting so rapidly.

Batteries are totally a solution but the technology is super green and not really at a grid scale yet.

[–] antimongo 1 points 4 months ago

I’ve been thinking of replacing my Synology with one of these!

[–] antimongo 2 points 5 months ago

To be fair 10 hours is either a pretty old or pretty massive unit. 2 hours might be a little more reflective of modern gas turbines. Especially combined cycles. But depending on how big the peak is, you need every available unit, both old and new.

Ultimately the issue is it’s very hard to meet that peak when all of your gas units have to go from 0 to 100% output. Much easier (and more reliable) to take them from 10% to 100%. Which is what grid operators do currently.

Yea an affordable battery in every home would be a slam dunk. This is kinda already happening with vehicle2grid (v2g) electric car protocols. But not everyone has an EV yet. And operators are still working out the kinks using this in the grid.

Plus the lithium batteries in cars have their own supply/recycling issues.

[–] antimongo 6 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Gravity energy storage doesn’t scale well. I’ve replied to other comments with more detail on this.

There are more feasible energy storage technologies out there, but these are super cutting edge and are not ready for grid-level deployment yet.

The future of grid level energy storage is almost certainly not going to be gravity based. At least not on a large scale.

You can’t have 100% of load be renewable/solar and have gas units online on top of that. That’s over generation. You have to match the supply exactly with the demand. If you mismatch, you destabilize the grid. Undersupply causes blackouts, oversupply melts power lines.

If a unit takes 10 hours to start, solar hours are from 6am to 6pm, and peak load is at 7pm with 0% solar; when do you recommend we start this unit? At the minimum, we’d have to order it on at 7am. Units have to run at a minimum load, let’s say 100MW for this unit. So now you can’t 100% solar from 7am to 6pm, you have to leave 100MW of room for this base loaded unit.

This doesn’t even factor in regulatory requirements like flex, spinning reserve, and other balancing and reliability requirements. Grids are required to have emergency units available at an instant to prevent mass destabilization if parts of the grid fail.


My Adansonii bush. Not sure where to go from here. I keep chopping the head off, and it keeps sprouting more nodes, making it look a little unbalanced.

Ideally I’d replant the mature tops into the soil on the bottom, for a bushier plant. But it’s already extremely bushy, running out of room down there.

Open to any ideas on how to manage it. I’m already giving away/propagating my top-chops, so I guess that’s the long term plan?

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