
joined 1 year ago
[–] almar_quigley 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yes, just because I’m speaking negatively of a black man I must be racist…. Fuck off. I made no comment on his race.

[–] almar_quigley 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Every Christian takes an historical proof of Jesus as affirmation of the stories within the New Testament.

[–] almar_quigley 1 points 3 days ago (9 children)

He’s also just a bit of a prick regardless. There are so many more entertaining science personalities that don’t act pompous as fuck.

[–] almar_quigley 18 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Maybe we shouldn’t have the idea of a dead end job in the first place. Almost all work should be valid and provide livable wages. There shouldn’t be a class of jobs “just for kids”. As if their time is less valuable anyways. This is a super late stage capitalist viewpoint.

[–] almar_quigley 11 points 6 days ago (21 children)

You may not be wrong but your sound like a gate keeping asshole. You definitely have a negative connotation to how you’re saying arts and crafts. I understand wanting credit for the skills you’ve honed but ffs it’s the internet not a professional society.

[–] almar_quigley 16 points 6 days ago

Anthony Weiner is a shitbag who sent photos of his dick to an underage girl if I remember correctly. That is not the same as Al Franken. Even Jon Stewart, his old college roommate, rebuked him harshly.

[–] almar_quigley 3 points 6 days ago

This is great! Thanks for sharing this!

[–] almar_quigley 2 points 1 week ago

This is the right answer

[–] almar_quigley 11 points 1 week ago (4 children)

OP - complains about privacy while using windows and blames Apple….

[–] almar_quigley 8 points 1 week ago

Go back to the Linux circle jerk that is the rest of Lemmy.

[–] almar_quigley 88 points 1 week ago (14 children)

How awesome if the sandy hook parents took possession of infowars.

[–] almar_quigley 18 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

Your points are all conjecture and I don’t think they are valid. If he said some shit to instigate and she threw something at him that doesn’t give him carte Blanche to break her face.


Enjoying the e61 grouphead. This thing is much prettier than the Breville, in a very different way. I do woodworking so I’m thinking about making some custom wood panels for the sides and maybe some attachments to hold portafilters, tools, etc. how’s everyone else doin in here?


I’ve been getting the Willamette Week for awhile now and have really enjoyed the focus on local only news. Curious if folks have other outlets besides the obvious Oregonian they use to get news for state/county/city. I’m just tired of only reading about the major events around the world and country because they are almost exclusively negative topics.

submitted 2 months ago by almar_quigley to c/nomanssky

I’m playing on gamepass and haven’t been able to see the new space stations yet. There aren’t any updates available to download for the game so not sure if it’s a gamepass thing or something I’m doing wrong.

Roasting Discord (
submitted 3 months ago by almar_quigley to c/coffee

Not sure if this is allowed so mods lemme know if it’s not. Just sharing a link to a roasting specific discord I started. Not sure how many fellow roasters there are here but there wasn’t any roasting specific communities I could find so thought I’d start my own.


I have an old ge stereo console from the 60’s. The turntable on it doesn’t rotate anymore and the controls in general don’t work that great. I’ve been trying to find a shop or online resources for some diy repair/replacement but have mostly come up short. I’ve also toyed with just gutting it and replacing with modern stuff. Just curious if it’s a fools errand to try getting these components repaired or not. I can try to find the specific model to share, just don’t have it handy at the moment. But it’s one of the fairly common mcm style consoles with receiver, turntable, and built in speakers.

Sorry if this is too vague, I can try to get more specifics once I get home from work.


Title. I’m looking to add some new games to the library to play I honor of my favorite holiday. What are some of your favorites? Bonus points for hidden gems!


I’ve really enjoyed them so far. Week 1 was a little cheap with the vtol defense but overall I liked it. Week 2 was a big improvement and a lot more chaos. I hope they up the ante with more chaos in week 3. I managed to get Gauntlet Master both weeks with top 10%. How has everyone else been doing?

It’s so quiet in here (self.exoprimal)
submitted 11 months ago by almar_quigley to c/exoprimal

I’m on exoprimal discord server but looking for Lemmy style conversation without heading back to the land of Reddit. How many of yall are actually still on this community post release and playing the game?


Wanted to gauge interest in some sort of coffee exchange. I roast my own coffee and would love to see what others think. Plus I think it’d be fun to try out local roasters from around the US/world.

Anyone interested in something like this?

submitted 11 months ago by almar_quigley to c/coffee

Inclusive of all drinks not just coffee. We even have some hummingbird nectar up top for our little wild friends.

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