
joined 11 months ago
[–] aksdb 1 points 8 months ago

SiYuan is an opensource Notion alternative. (Not a clone.)

[–] aksdb 24 points 8 months ago

Unsere Produktionen sind halt auch effektiv alle gleich. Völlig überzogene Handlungen mit völlig überzogenem Schauspiel. Und da gebe ich nichtmal den Schauspielern die Schuld, denn wenn die in internationalen Produktionen bzw. unter dem richtigen Regisseur arbeiten, machen viele davon auch ein gutes Bild.

Deutsche Kino und TV Produktionen fühlen sich für mich zu 95% wie Theater an. Dafür würde ich aber halt lieber ins Theater gehen.

Die wenigen Ausnahmen, die mir hängen geblieben sind: Das Boot (also die erste Verfilmung von 1981), Dark (ging aber auch "typisch deutsch" los; wurde halt sehr schnell besser), 4 Blocks (fand ich für Krimi/Drama echt gut).

[–] aksdb 13 points 9 months ago

Do you mix game development with engine? Of course an engine doesn't make an innovative game by itself. An engine is - hence the name - only the means to an end to help develop a game. Innovative games are all over the place in regards to the engines they use; from in-house/custom to products like unity, unreal, etc.

That you have the impression that engines like UE and Unity are "less innovative" by judging released games just shows how many games are developed using these engines - especially Unity. It's so damn easy to build games with it, that many people do, even when they only build something simple. And that's fine ... it means that more people can channel their creativity into game development, even when it doesn't yield anything ground breaking.

It also shows, though, that developers can focus more on the game development and have to deal less with engine development and now even asset creation, since these engines also bring asset catalogs. So it's really quite a good time to dive into game development, which fosters creativity and in the end there will also be innovative games among them.

[–] aksdb 57 points 9 months ago (4 children)

As much as I like to shit on Epic, but UE 5.x is pretty much innovative with each minor release. Watching the release videos of what the engine can do in realtime is always impressive. They are used as realtime backgrounds for movie sets.

[–] aksdb 2 points 9 months ago

We have to go back!

[–] aksdb 6 points 9 months ago

Lookup if the device is supported by LocalTuya though.

I made the mistake thinking that LocalTuya somehow acts like a proxy for a generic protocol, but it actually needs to understand the devices. Now I have a doorbell I can't use with it.

[–] aksdb 2 points 9 months ago


Ruhe in Frieden, Stimme Gandalfs.

[–] aksdb 31 points 9 months ago (3 children)

It's just a config. You can adjust that on whatever distro you are.

[–] aksdb 5 points 9 months ago

Actalis ist kostenlos, verifiziert aber nur die eMail; nicht den Namen.

[–] aksdb 5 points 9 months ago

Nah, explicit sync is the objectively better model if you want high performance. Android went for explicit sync right from the start and from what I gather also Intel and AMD prefer it. The problem is, that the graphics stacks on Linux have been using implicit sync for ages and so far no one dared to change the status quo. Nvidia was "simply" rejecting implementing an inferior mechanism in their driver. While somewhat understandable, it was still a decision on the back of their users.

[–] aksdb 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I am not a big fan of this, because you then rely on the scanner manufacturer to produce good quality results.

I scan everything using VueScan and that has a special mode for text documents. A single page with OCR ends up being about 25kb as PDF. It removes folding edges, sharpens the letters, etc.

If that software gets new features, my scanning experience improves automatically, even though I still use the same scanner for 10 years now.

With relying on the firmware, I would have long ago stopped getting updates and I either was ok with the results or I could throw away the whole device.

Just as people here recomment to separate printing from scanning, I recomment to separate the hardware and software.

[–] aksdb 7 points 9 months ago

Wenn der weiter so Scheiße labert, greift seine Zahnbürste bald ins Leere!

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