I use touch typing
As opposed to taste typing??
I use touch typing
As opposed to taste typing??
Tasted alright though from what I remember
To a much less serious degree it happened to me/my daughter. Brought her in one winter in her car seat and set her down next to my bed with her coat still on. Instantly fell asleep on the bed for at least an hour. When I came to she was drenched in sweat. Obviously panicked and got her out but she seemed unfazed, stretched a little, and went back to sleep. Still feel bad years later.
Just read about this... 40 bpm resting heart rate?? What the fuck?
My poor virgin eyes can only handle so many naughty words
Pleasantly surprised to be wrong about how Kamala would act.
Moth gang rise up
Dry bones = dead koopas for sure
Someone add Pluto plez #neverforget
Expected goatse
Also my great grandmother's name... Cousin?
Never heard it called touch typing before... Always just "typing"