
joined 2 years ago
[–] Xaphanos 8 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Thanks, but I'm hoping for something super inclusive of the entire industry.

IT workers community? (self.asklemmy)
submitted 2 days ago by Xaphanos to c/asklemmy

Can folks recommend the appropriate Lemmy community for general discussion among people working in the IT field? Programmers, sysadmins, help desk, dba, all griping and bragging about work.

[–] Xaphanos 7 points 3 days ago

We get them all. Deer, birds, chipmunks. The entire garden needs to be protected by hardware cloth. The chipmunks got through the original chicken wire we had. We had to enclose the top as they climbed over. Plus the small birds eat any berries. A constant battle to be able to harvest anything.

[–] Xaphanos 4 points 5 days ago

A store-made bagel, with 2 over-easy eggs and a thick slice of a spiced ham product called (pork roll) or (taylor ham), a slice of American cheese, and "salt, pepper, ketchup".

Commonly with bacon, sausage, or regular sliced deli ham replacing the meat. Sometimes with hot sauce instead of ketchup. The bagel can be any type, but is often "everything".

NYC area, mostly north New Jersey.

[–] Xaphanos 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Gold coins. I bought at the all-time high.

[–] Xaphanos 4 points 1 week ago

I did. See above

[–] Xaphanos 18 points 1 week ago

Ke=1/2 M V^2 Not relativistic. So wildly low. But certainly a low bound. My point being that nuclear bomb grade energy is certainly in the ballpark.

[–] Xaphanos 4 points 1 week ago
[–] Xaphanos 19 points 1 week ago (4 children)

By my back-of-the -envelope math it is 4,500,000,000 joules. The Hiroshima bomb is listed at approximately 10,000,000,000,000 joules. I bet xkcd is far more accurate, though.

[–] Xaphanos 6 points 1 week ago

It sounds like you might like "The Tao of Pooh".

[–] Xaphanos 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

With that username and that quote, I expect that you are (like me) in your 60s.

[–] Xaphanos 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

We are in the same club. My wife had surgery and chemo for colon cancer last year. She's testing clean. We are hopeful that it's all behind us now. But the neuropathy from the chemo is still very bad. It may be another full year of that.

[–] Xaphanos 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My hobby is genealogy. Almost every generation seems to have someone in the family that endured significant hardship but made it through. The most recent one I found was a young child burned to death in a barn fire. Others are kids orphaned by flu or other illness. I always find that one person that could have quit - but didn't. Americans seem to have a recessive resilient gene. It comes out only at dire need. This can give us great hope these days.

norovirus (self.dull_mens_club)
submitted 2 months ago by Xaphanos to c/dull_mens_club

I got the norovirus. It's going around. It is very uncomfortable. Do not recommend.

submitted 10 months ago by Xaphanos to c/aboringdystopia

Just heard the interview on NPR. Worth a read.


This kind of post seems like a good way for new folks to get acquainted and more settled in to Lemmy.

I'm old. 60 this year. My first game was in 1977. In high school, I was the DM for the D&D club - and ran all-night games for friends. Some are still very close. One of those is "F". His wife is "J". They have a 15yo daughter "S", and a 12yo son, "G". I have a 13 yo son, "M". My sister (50yo and a professional writer), is "E". That's 6 players.

Our last campaign had them defeat the King of Werewolves by freeing the Tarrasque from a city inspired by "Salt-in-Wounds". There was some direct divine intervention to increase the Epicality level. There were effectively no real rules, as no one was willing to learn any. Collaborative storytelling more than "a game". The real audience was the three kids, the adults are in for the storytelling and wacky fun.

We are just starting a new campaign based on the largest ruleset I could get them to agree to actually read and understand: 1976 OD&D (A bit of Chainmail, 3 books, plus Greyhawk). They are all starting at level 1.

  • F: Human Fighter
  • J: Halfling Thief
  • E: Halfling Magic-User
  • G: Human Magic-User
  • M: Human Cleric
  • S: Halfling Thief

And my son has recently persuaded the girl-next-door "C" (14) to join. She has never played before. Also a Halfling Thief. That's seven now, 4 are young teens.

They start in a mid-sized town of Halflings and Humans, surrounded by tame countryside. Backstories include family heritage, links to each other, and description of their motivations. "C" went in DEEP with a story about being exiled to this backwater land. They are looking to establish themselves as the local famous adventurers. They do not suspect that thier quiet breadbasket-of-the-empire shire has a hidden reserve of Dark Evil growing in hidden places.

I'm going with "The Hobbit" usage of thief: "Burglar wants a good job, plenty of Excitement and reasonable Reward". Clever adventurers with no great fighting skill and no magic. Robin Hood -style thievery. Sessions will be reverse Scooby-Do; A simple mundane problem slowly turns into a Dark Magic Mystery that is resolved to leave only more questions. Puzzles, traps, jump scares, mysterious and misleading NPCs, and mild combat for pacing.

House rules:

  • RULE ZERO: Have fun. If you're not enjoying the game, speak up.
  • Rule of Cool: This is a fantasy game - make it fantastic!
  • Rule of Respect: Respect the game and the players. Don't be disruptive. Know the important rules. Pay attention. Read the table.
  • All character alignments are GOOD. "Chaotic" is only relative: I do not want antisocial behavior. Disrespect for unjust and unneeded laws is one thing, stabbing your buddy in the back is RIGHT OUT!
  • Your hit points are MAX for the first die. For many of the monsters, too.
  • Know your to-hit roll, or you MISS. Know your damage roll, or it's ZERO. Know your spell requirements, or it FAILS. Know your hide-in-shadows roll, or it FAILS. Track your remaining HP. Keep count of your inventory. Get it?
  • We will not use experience points. Characters will level up for major milestones. In particular, when the entire party works together in a cooperative way to overcome a serious challenge. (In effect, we will play at level 1 until it's not as much fun, then "graduate".)
  • Zero HP = Down and Unconscious and Dying. The injured will lose 1 HP per round until -9, then DIE. Immediate application of first aid will hold the victim at death's door until a more permanent solution is applied.
  • Combat order & Initiative = Dexterity order. (Highest DEX characters act first.)


  • Level 1 Clerics have spells like Level 2 Clerics in the rules book. Other shifts to smooth out the table. M has the details.
  • Level 1 Magic-Users have spells like Level 2 Magic-Users in the rules book. All levels are similarly shifted. In other words, delete the top row and shift the table up.
  • First level characters ("Mediums") have TWO first level spells per day. 2nd level M-Us (called "Seers") have three first-level spells and one 2nd level spell per day.
  • A "spell slot" is a spell memorized at the beginning of the day. Be sure to mark your memorized spell on your sheet. A memorized spell can be cast without the spell book and without delay. Non-memorized spells need to be read from the book. It takes one round to open the book to the correct spell, and another to read it. One spell slot for first level.
  • All spells for the level are available. Number able to cast per day rises with level. Yes, you need a spell book. Yes, material components, too.
  • Scrolls are single-use. And most will have a title on the top. (Sometimes it is a lie.)
  • A drop of potion will determine its function. However, poison takes effect with just that drop. You get a saving throw.

What do you all think?


Suburbanites! Commuters! New Yorkers! Almost North Jersey!

The smallest county in NYS.

It ain't much, but it's honest. I want Lemmy to succeed, and I might as well put myself to work doing it.

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