
joined 11 months ago
[–] Worstdriver 1 points 17 hours ago

Weirdly enough, actual lifespan comparisons seem to be very hard to find. Studies showing slightly higher disease (4%) rates. Higher rates of eating things their owner didn't give them. Higher dangers from traffic, cars, etc. but I have yet to an actual study with lifespan numbers, let alone the 3-5 yrs vs 10-15 I've seen bandied about.

I'm still looking for it as a lower lifespan sounds logical, but I've seen enough things defy apparent logic to not just accept the statement without supporting documentation.

Let me clear. I support in principle the statement that indoor cats live longer, I just haven't found the proof for it yet.

[–] Worstdriver 4 points 1 day ago

Appreciate not getting a snarky comeback. My personal experience has been outdoor/indoor cats lead long, satisfying lives. But my experience could be an outlier which is why I asked for your source.

Will definitely give this a read once I'm done work. Again, much appreciated

[–] Worstdriver 3 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Then can you quote your source for your statement? My experiential information is counter to your claim, so I would like to see your data so I can improve my understanding.

[–] Worstdriver 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

Growing up, (I'm in my 50s) we had an orange tabby that went indoors and outdoors as much as he wanted. The cat supplemented his kibble by killing and eating (confirmed by observation) birds and rodents in the area. He lived to be 23. Most cats like him that I've known all had lifespans into the high teens.

I think you mean feral, as opposed to outdoor. In which case I would agree with your statement.

I should add, that as an adult, I currently own two cats obtained from rescue services and both are exclusively indoor cats.

[–] Worstdriver 4 points 2 months ago

We don''t check there, as we can literally look up into the rafters. But we do have the tools to physically check if we need to.

[–] Worstdriver 53 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Costco evening employee here:

Yeah, we check those at closing time. As well as behind the mattresses, the bathrooms and anywhere else someone might reasonably hide. There are generally people stocking stuff for 3-4 hours after the store closes and from 5 hours before the store opens in the morning.

There's a small window when the place is completely empty, but it's only from about midnight to 4am.

[–] Worstdriver 3 points 5 months ago (3 children)

AS a bystander in all this, could all of you... CITE YOUR DAMN SOURCES! If you have proof of your assertions via studies or research papers, LINK THEM!


Because this topic is of interest to me and I want to be informed with actual scientific data. Not by a person, but by peer-reviewed studies.

[–] Worstdriver 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)


Malfeasance is an act that is illegal and causes physical or monetary harm to someone else. Malfeasance is intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees.

And yes, I see a great many good things done by Trudeau. But, you obviously disagree with me and I doubt anything either of us say will convince the other so we'll just leave it at that.

[–] Worstdriver 2 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Much as I do like Trudeau compared to Harper, it's far past time for Trudeau's actions to stand or fall on their own merits.

That said, the right-wing of Canadian politics is never going to beat Trudeau if they keep going with the insult and belittling route. They've done it in every election they've faced Trudeau in and lost every, single, time. The Conservatives should have won they last election, and blew it because the didn't think Trudeau had the savvy or skill to come back from the blackface scandal. The truth is, Justin is an excellent political operator and usually one of the best there is in working social media.

Polievere only has a solid chance now due to a combination of voter fatigue (almost no PM makes it past 10 years) and some serious missteps by Trudeau. As far as malfeasance goes, you better have some solid proof, like in a court of law level proof, and be able to make it stick, without you sounding like a raving lunatic who is best ignored.

[–] Worstdriver 1 points 5 months ago (5 children)

And apparently it's the only reason why our population has increased.

[–] Worstdriver 3 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Quantity has a quality all its own

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