Hanlon was an exceptionally clumsy Gold who had a habit of murdering lowColors with his razor by mistake.
Yeah, I hear you. Prior to 3, I genuinely expected Mass Effect to evolve into the Star Trek of my generation, complete with spin-off shows, movies, books, etc.
That ending sure took the wind out of those sails.
At least with Mass Effect, most of the third act was solid. Plus, there's always the Indoctrination Theory to help cope (even if it wasn't intended).
GoT is utterly unsalvageable.
I always upvote Chris & Jack—they gave us July Sixth Park!
It is a bit demoralizing to spend thousands of hours mastering a professional skill, only to go on LinkedIn and see every other post is some recruiter proclaiming that if your resume doesn't use their favorite font, it goes straight in the bin.
Sorry I didn't major in "Deborah's Resume Preferences" in college.
Buying a boat is a famously good investment
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Far Cry series
Wolfenstein: The New Order
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I was laid off from the games industry. Please delete your pirated copies so I can come back.
What we need is an ad blocker that replaces all ads with turtles