So you need someone to point you to URLS of these videos and pictures? No thanks buddy.
The good news is that our(USA) government isn’t full of terrorist sympathizers like yourself. Our military will support Israel and help them eliminate the terrorist organization named Hamas. Whether you what to agree with me doesn’t matter. Enjoy your pathetic life.
Thank you has a lot of people who agree with Hamas’ actions too. Disgusting people.
Lol… I mean you’re the one defending terrorists but ok buddy.
You rock! Thanks!!
Lol, I had to share this due to the timing of my comment…
Turns out there was a new voyage release TODAY that allows filtering keywords in the phone app version. Lmao whoops!
So again, you have no argument against the facts. Thats good. See, educating you wasn’t that hard.
Your current admins or mods are removing comments that are pro-Israel. Disgusting censorship yet again from Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Awesome, thanks for sharing. Ill check out Arctic too then
Same exact issue same exact code on phone.