It feels a bit childish to call it microshit, micropenis, micro$oft etc if there is no specific context IMO.
I mean they doesn't need to work in the specific bar.
Time to remove all that sweet cheap labor I guess and start the old mantra "no one seems to want to work any more"!
Thunder was when I tested it, a perfectly fine app, I use Connect only because I like the layout better IIRC.
The only one that is really different is jerboa IMO, it's the official app and has all the bells and whistles, but also it's slow and has some "bugs" (error message galore for example) but it's a totally ok app too IMO.
I don't know what systemd does and now I'm too afraid to ask.jpg
Also obligatory fuck microsoft, go crawl and Embrace other stuff.
How would you class them, if you think you could/would/should? I'm so impressed with the thinkcentre tiny I wonder if it can get better at all.
Yesss I have a m910q as my main with (IIRC) a 6500T 4 cores.
And a m710 with the CD contraption for backup (the CD is just for fun, the PC is the backup) :-p
I wouldn't touch anything lol but you go ahead and disassemble all the stuff 😬
That's not an unpopular opinion IMO.
That's some funny hats