
joined 2 years ago
[–] UmeU 62 points 2 months ago (6 children)

I feel like it’s more than that…

When I switched to electric 7 or 8 years ago, I really didn’t like it. It was super uncomfortable and tickled my mouth.

I just powered through it because I was told that I would get used to it.

Indeed I did get used to it and quickly began to feel that I had never actually properly brushed my teeth before going electric.

Part of what helps is the little extra pulse every 30 seconds and auto shut off after two minutes. Really keeps you on track with 30 seconds in each quadrant of your mouth.

Two minutes is a long time so having the timer built into the toothbrush is super helpful.

Only concern to note is that applying too much pressure and/or using the maximum vibration setting can be bad for your gums and cause recession.

Be very gentle with the electric toothbrush so that you do not cause any excessive gum recession.

Once you get used to electric, a conventional toothbrush will seem archaic.

[–] UmeU 3 points 2 months ago

Are there any people in your family that are not obese that have chronic pain? If not then I’ll bet it’s closer to 100% due to obesity.

You only get one life to live… eat right and exercise, you can do it! I am half way to my target weight after 6 months of busting my ass and I feel a million times better.

[–] UmeU 7 points 2 months ago

This indeed would probably do the trick

[–] UmeU 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Are you talking about jury nullification in the context of a crime that has not yet been committed and that crime might be a violent crime? Sounds like you are violating the newest .world ToS update.

Have an upvote.

[–] UmeU 14 points 2 months ago (1 children)

So discussion of jury nullification is ok as a general topic. If someone mentions JN in the context of a crime that has not yet been committed then that’s not ok. If the crime has already been committed then that’s ok. If the crime is not violent in nature then we can discuss JN, and if we are just having a general conversation about JN that’s ok too.

Specifically, the concern is that talking about JN in the context of some hypothetical violent crime that has not yet been committed could be interpreted as advocating for violence.

This sounds pretty stupid so far, but my question is then, why wrap the ToS around specifically jury nullification? Why not just reiterate the ‘no advocating for violence’ policy.

If someone is advocating for violence, then adding on some point about jury nullification is irrelevant, they are already breaking the rule.

[–] UmeU 1 points 2 months ago

They will just use these programs to obfuscate their embezzlement of taxpayer funds.

That said, a broken clock and all… we do indeed need to invest in mental health facilities.

[–] UmeU 6 points 2 months ago

Sorry to hear that, I wish you the best.

[–] UmeU 30 points 2 months ago (1 children)

He must not be very intelligent to hold these debunked and outdated views. Quite out of touch with reality.

[–] UmeU 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Yes, Regan fucked up. Yes we need to rebuild the mental institution systems and we should be spending a hell of a lot of tax payer money to ensure those institutions serve their populations in a humane manner. Most homeless have mental health issues and the US has very little resources for these people. Drug rehab facilities should be free to users and well funded by taxpayers, as should all healthcare.

Saying that homelessness is entirely due to housing shortage is not seeing the forest through the trees.

[–] UmeU 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

You going to try to get a better job or just keep taking pay decreases year after year?

[–] UmeU 9 points 2 months ago

Someone had their Chomsky-o’s for breakfast this morning.

[–] UmeU 10 points 3 months ago

This is ridiculous, we need more competition in the grocery business, not less. The idea that one grocery giant could spend billions buying another grocery giant would be laughable if it didn’t have such grim implications. Welcome to the latter days of capitalism.

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