
joined 11 months ago
[–] TrickDacy 1 points 4 minutes ago

The person you responded to has not one iota of good faith. I've seen them in dozens of threads pushing accelerationist lies. They want this country to burn.

[–] TrickDacy 1 points 5 minutes ago

I'm not interested in arguing with a BoTH SiDeS liar and never will be.

Btw thanks for being the reason trump finishes us off. Enjoy the weather in Russia

[–] TrickDacy 7 points 7 hours ago

I don't remember much about that, but it's easy for me to believe he did about any bad deed after these last 8 years

[–] TrickDacy 4 points 8 hours ago

The data is very clear... Ads work. They absolutely shouldn't almost ever, but they do. With the cornucopia of analytics available, companies have long been able to see if their ads work, and if they didn't, they would've stopped long ago. Hell even before the Internet they had ways to prove ads work.

[–] TrickDacy 35 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (11 children)

Trump did next to nothing about the pandemic when it turns out "something" was his job

[–] TrickDacy 2 points 8 hours ago

The person you're explaining websites to is a web developer and they are correct. There being a ton of websites needlessly dependent on JavaScript is well known and long lived.

[–] TrickDacy 1 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

They don't work? How naive.

[–] TrickDacy 15 points 12 hours ago

What? It's extremely easy if you look

[–] TrickDacy 13 points 17 hours ago (3 children)

You're going to explode the fediverse with a take this grounded in reality

[–] TrickDacy 28 points 17 hours ago

The question was why bother

[–] TrickDacy 0 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

We already know the answer, hence my comment. We heard from you that windows is better and Mac os is trash. What else do we need?

It is absolutely bizarre to me that (a few, vast minority) people hate gnome so much. It feels smooth, modern, and stable while the others I've used feel mostly like an amateurish glitchy version of windows.

You could always just not use gnome and let others use it. I think KDE is janky but I don't really say that until people jump on the gnome hate bandwagon

[–] TrickDacy 0 points 17 hours ago

I just said not everything is apple and MS

But it kind of is though to a very large degree. So much so it's like a fish being in water but thinking wetness isn't a factor in any circumstance

Just keep whining about how superior you think you are like an average apple fanboy

Uh ok yeah thanks for the very relevant advice /s

Profile karma (self.boostforlemmy)
submitted 3 months ago by TrickDacy to c/boostforlemmy

I know that karma is a contentious issue on Lemmy, but I like having the feature where it is displayed on user profiles. For trolls especially, it helps to know if they should be ignored or not, like if they have -3000 karma for example. I have always noticed karma appearing in boost when viewing a user's profile, but today after logging out and back in, I noticed I no longer have that feature. Karma is no longer shown on profiles for me.

It doesn't seem like anyone else is having the issue and the recent changelog entries don't mention it. Did I inadvertently change a setting and now I just can't find that setting to change it back?

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