
joined 2 years ago
[–] TonyOstrich 12 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Are you talking about ZeFrank? He is still putting that content out. Posted a video a couple of weeks ago.

[–] TonyOstrich 11 points 6 days ago

All brought to by corporate wage theftᵀᴹ!

[–] TonyOstrich 12 points 1 week ago

I don't disagree with your statement about trying to find someone that shares similar interests and that one meshes with. As you said the mentality that one is trying to "catch" another person is pretty toxic and not the point I am responding too.

Although as an aside, I would critique the behavior of the other person. Dismissing someone based on past experiences with others that share a similar characteristic, or on preconceived notions of something is pretty shitty. I personally always try and give someone the benefit of the doubt and at least a couple of chances to shine. First encounters are often awkward AF and it can't always be sparks and magic. (That's an awful lot as an aside, I know 😅)

The one point you made about the potential number of matches is what I really wanted to comment on. It can often be frustrating and disheartening to have someone make a statement that comes across as if finding a partner is almost guaranteed as long as effort is put fourth (I know because I'm there). For reference my city has a population of about 900k people. I recently pulled some stats from the census and Pew Research to estimate what the actual pool of potential partners was like.

Things like number of people in my age range, percent of people in that age range that don't want kids, percent that are in the market, etc. I also tried to avoid stacking percentages that have high correlations like education and political affiliation. The result I got was about 35 people at any given time. The half life on that number refreshing is about 18 months as well.

So all of that before even getting into whether we have the same hobbies or interests, if they find me attractive, and other important factors. It also doesn't help that a lot of my hobbies and life are very heavily male dominated. What few women do exist in the space are usually already in a long term relationship. Even if they are not, I'm absolutely not first pick. I'm not ugly, I'm about average in looks and I do my best to present myself as best I can. Similarly I'm not super successful, but I'm not struggling either. However, when the ratio of men to women is so imbalanced even being in the top 20% or 10% in terms of desirability isn't enough.

So when someone says there is someone out there that is perfect for me or another person, I believe that statement to be true unequivocally in the same way that I believe alien life does, has, or will exist. However I am not likely to ever meet either for the same reason; space is too large, and time is too vast.

All that to say, I can understand why someone like the OP (whether real or not) might feel that way. Logically you are absolutely right and I don't disagree, but we are all still unfortunately human and that craving for love, sex, affection, etc. is annoyingly strong and even needed.

[–] TonyOstrich 1 points 1 week ago

You mean like the cat that kills all manner of wildlife for no reason?

[–] TonyOstrich 11 points 1 week ago

I don't know how it could possibly be implemented, but I wish there was some kind of application or token that ran on my devices that would track how much I visited or used various pieces of FOSS software and services and then at the end of every month would pay each one from a predefined amount of money I set for how much I think I can afford for all of it. Maybe before actually sending the payments it generates a report stating the breakdown and allowing me to tweak the percentages.

Likely a privacy nightmare even if entirely locally running, but would be sweet.

[–] TonyOstrich 2 points 2 weeks ago

Braveheart if we are talking the original season.

[–] TonyOstrich 1 points 2 weeks ago

Schrödinger's word. Both new and old, lol

[–] TonyOstrich 1 points 2 weeks ago

Interesting. Thanks.

[–] TonyOstrich 1 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Weird completely unrelated question. Do you have any idea why you write "Anyway" as "Anyways"?

It's not just you, it's a lot of people, but unlike most grammar/word modifications it doesn't really make sense to me. Most of the time the modification shortens the word in some way rather than lengthening it. I could be wrong, but I don't remember people writing or saying "anyway" with an added "s" in anyway but ironically 10-15 years ago, and I'm curious where it may be coming from.

[–] TonyOstrich 1 points 2 weeks ago

I actually did this a couple of months ago. I pulled population data and using percentages from the most recent census and pew research I applied reasonable dating criteria to the population to figure out what the order of magnitude was.

When I say reasonable criteria stuff like age range and gender distribution in addition to some other stuff. I also tried to avoid statistics that are highly correlated. For instance since I used percentage of people with a college degree, I avoided using percentage of the population that is liberal since education tends to make people more liberal.

The number I came up with was 35 people... I also estimated that the half life for that number to replenish is about two years. That is with me living in one of the larger cities in the US (top 30). The criteria I used isn't all that unreasonable, but one of the items has a VERY large gender disparity. Meaning if I were a women looking for the same criteria in a man the options would be one or two orders of magnitude larger.

All of that is to say, I have no doubt there isn't just one person out there that is perfect for me. In fact I'm positive there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands out there. I am as confident in this fact as I am that aliens exist or have existed. The reason I will likely never meet either though is the same though. Space is too large and time is too vast.

[–] TonyOstrich 27 points 2 weeks ago

Good on you for owning up to it though. Cheers mate!


I know the title is hyper specific but it gets even worse, lol.

Plainly speaking my "requirements" are as follows:

  • Android operating system
  • No joysticks
  • As small as possible

The importance of the requirements are roughly in order (top being the most important). The second and third requirement roughly go hand in hand. The reason being that I want something I can stick in the pocket of a sports jacket or even somewhat tighter fitting pants and not have to worry about something catching or getting damaged.

The first requirement comes down to a custom "ROM" that started my desire and search for such a device.

Pokémon: Infinite Fusion

For those unaware this custom game isn't actually a ROM meant for a legacy game system but has actually been developed to run on a PC. However, it is possible to play the game on mobile via an app on Android called JoiPlay.

I have played it some on my phone and enjoyed it, but it's missing that tactile feel hence this rabbit hole.

The device that originally peaked my interest and started me on this search is the Ayaneo Pocket MICRO, but unfortunately it has joysticks. The Trimui Brick looks fantastic, especially with its battery, but as far as I can tell the OS is not Android based.

Based on what I have found in my searching so far if I had to buy something today I would likely buy the Ayaneo Pocket MICRO or Pocket DMG, and then open them up to desolder the joysticks, but if I can find an out of the box solution that would be great.

Thanks in advance, and for reading this far even if you don't have anything else for me.


I sometimes find it hard to tell at a glance if a post I'm looking at is one I have clicked on since they are just a slightly lighter grey than posts I haven't clicked on. Being able to set it to whatever color I would like would be very helpful.


I know the above question isn't fully complete and lacks some important information, I will (hopefully) provide that below, but first I want to explain where I am coming from with this question a little.

I would consider myself a power user in Windows (maybe even more than that). At one point I was even studying for my Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA 70-270), worked in IT dealing with complex virus removal (anyone remember Combofix and Bleeping Computer?) and generally am comfortable bending anything up to about Windows 10 to my will.

I also have some experience programming in .Net, Java, Python, and Arduino's version of C++ (FWTW).

I have been trying to force myself to use Linux as my primary for a little while now. I ran Mint as my primary OS for a little over a year, and have recently switched to Manjaro to try Wayland and "increase the difficulty level" as it were.

The problem that motivated this post is that I recently installed an application via the AUR by cloning and making the package. Annoyingly though, the application is configured to run at startup and I don't see an obvious setting in the application to turn that behavior off.

I know I can "Google" how to figure out this particular problem, but it seems like a good opportunity for me to metaphorically learn how to fish rather than being given a fish by learning the Linux equivalent of what I would do in Windows for this kind of thing.

If I had this issue in Windows I would approach the issue in the following manner:

  1. Depending on flavor of Windows do one of the following and check the autostart tab
    • Run MSConfig
    • Run Task Manager
  2. Check the Startup folder for my User and All Users
  3. Pull out the "I'm done messing around tools"

I understand, and know the various locations and registry entries the applications from step 3 are looking at, it's just usually faster to use them than go digging into those locations individually.

My question therefore is, what is the Linux equivalent of the methodology I would use when in Windows? Is, or are there, specific tools for looking at startup programs and services? Is it as simple as digging into Systemd? Am I approaching this with the completely wrong mindset?

Essentially, what am I ignorant of, and can I that ignorance be rectified using my existing knowledge as a framing device?

Regardless of anything else, I very much appreciate your taking the time to read all of this and thank you in advance if you do have the time and knowledge to spare answering this question.



Basically exactly what the title says. In case there isn't a great place, or this post ends up getting more visibility than wherever I end up asking I will explain my approximate competency level and the question below.

In terms of competency I have an engineering background and degree, which means I had a single class in statistics. Technically I was one class short of a math minor (Graph Theory) when I graduated. Unlike most engineers and Six Sigma "graduates" I don't think this automatically makes me some kind of math/stats wizard. I'm aware I know just enough that I can unintentionally massage data to fit my bias (mini rant over).

My question is, when looking at a human population and trying to find the approximate subset of people with certain attributes how are correlations handled to avoid double counting?

For example let's say I am looking at a specific city and my data sets are thee most recent census,, and Pew Research. With the above sources I can pretty easily estimate something along the lines of

The number men in a US city that are:

  • Between the ages of 22-44
  • Have a STEM degree

However, if I then wanted to add another factor:

  • Are/Vote liberal

I know that is going to interfere with the original criteria because higher levels of education are correlated with people being more liberal, thus if I just punched in the percentages from all three data points the resulting number is likely going to be much smaller than reality.

Is there a term or method I can read up on for how to account for overlaps/correlations between population subsets? Does this make sense or am I asking the wrong kind of question?

FWIW none of this is related to my job, an argument, a shit post, a data graphic, or anything else I will ever really make. It's just for something specific (not the actually the above example but something like it using the sources I mentioned) I am personally curious about. I have also more generally been wondering about how to account for this kind of overlap for a couple of years now.

Regardless, thanks for taking the time to at least read all this.


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