[-] Thrillhouse 28 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I think these phrases can also help if you are a person, like I am, who ruminates in unhelpful and damaging thought patterns.

Some of us think and agonize too much in an unhealthy way and definitely need ways to shut it down.

[-] Thrillhouse 1 points 2 weeks ago

I can’t really stand this guy’s voice so I skimmed through the video.

I couldn’t find if he addresses that there could be a plausible explanation - Governments only retain emails for a set amount of time.

What was the retention policy for the emails? The program was started in 2008 - this means we’re 16 years past the start date where it looks to me based on a very quick google that most US government emails only need to be retained for 7-15 years.

[-] Thrillhouse 1 points 3 weeks ago

Isn’t it always?

[-] Thrillhouse 10 points 3 weeks ago

Have you considered that the economy is a lagging indicator meaning it can take years for any policy good or bad to take effect?

Obama inherited bad fiscal policy. Trump inherited the economy that Obama put into place with his policies guiding America through the recession. That’s why the economy under Trump was “good” Covid, major war, supply shortages, inflation got us here. Biden has spent the last 4 years turning this around but it is an uphill climb.

[-] Thrillhouse 18 points 3 weeks ago

I wonder if the Trump campaign is asking him to self-destruct because of the recent polling that his candidacy hurts Trump more than Biden.

A long shot theory but my only explanation as to why he’d say this.

[-] Thrillhouse 23 points 3 weeks ago

He knows he can’t so he needs to pick some distractions.

[-] Thrillhouse 28 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I know I was being sarcastic. Sikh separatism isn’t a crime in Canada.

They’re free to pursue any criminal charges they would like, that are bound by international law.

Instead, they sent hired goons to kill Canadian citizens. That’s not ok.

[-] Thrillhouse 18 points 3 weeks ago

Gotcha state-backed goons aren’t criminals in his definition. Well, that clears everything up then.

[-] Thrillhouse 15 points 3 weeks ago

Step 3b. Kick out Al Jazeera, the (only?) news organization still reporting from the ground that would be critical of what you’re about to do

[-] Thrillhouse 12 points 1 month ago

This sounds like dementia.

[-] Thrillhouse 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


I should mention this link is from a tax firm almost glorifying the way that ikea has structured themselves. It’s a very charitable reading of the situation.

Just google IKEA tax, there’s tons of sources on their alleged tax evasion, including it seems claims by the EU that the Netherlands facilitates it.

I see this as corporate greed pure and simple. There is no reason people should be starving and unhoused while IKEA dodges taxes.

[-] Thrillhouse -1 points 1 month ago

And they don’t pay taxes, apparently. So yeah we’re getting cheap furniture but I do wonder if the net benefit to society would be better if they paid tax.

submitted 11 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/childfree

I’m pretty close with this person outside of work and we used to have good non-work conversations but now I feel all I get is stories and photos of her children. We work in a tight knit team so I can’t really avoid them.

I got no less than 3 updates this weekend about a sports event with her kids including photos; more photos and another update about said event this morning; another photo of another child; updates about what her toddler was doing, and updates about how her kid made the track and field team and she absolutely needs to take time off work to go.

I don’t ask for this and I don’t really respond when she does it. I prefer to talk about other things. We used to talk about other things and now it’s kids 99% of the time to the point where it feels really one-sided. I tried to talk about a concert I went to this weekend and got really lukewarm reception.

I’m thinking I need to tone it down and say goodbye to the relationship/chit chat for a while? I feel if I tell her bluntly I’m tired of hearing about her children it will hurt her feelings. Any ideas?

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