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[-] Thrillhouse 4 points 1 day ago

This one I’m not so scandalized about. I’m sure every White House admin does this - they have hard and punishing international work where they need to be sharp. Ronnie Jackson was there during Obama too.

[-] Thrillhouse 3 points 1 day ago

(that’s what railing means)

[-] Thrillhouse 13 points 1 day ago

Says Trump who is nonstop railing Adderall

[-] Thrillhouse 22 points 2 days ago

So they should pay back that dude who lost against the CRA in court on this very issue, including legal fees, interest, moving costs and emotional suffering, right???

[-] Thrillhouse 28 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I think these phrases can also help if you are a person, like I am, who ruminates in unhelpful and damaging thought patterns.

Some of us think and agonize too much in an unhealthy way and definitely need ways to shut it down.

[-] Thrillhouse 1 points 4 days ago

I can’t really stand this guy’s voice so I skimmed through the video.

I couldn’t find if he addresses that there could be a plausible explanation - Governments only retain emails for a set amount of time.

What was the retention policy for the emails? The program was started in 2008 - this means we’re 16 years past the start date where it looks to me based on a very quick google that most US government emails only need to be retained for 7-15 years.

[-] Thrillhouse 1 points 1 week ago

Isn’t it always?

[-] Thrillhouse 10 points 1 week ago

Have you considered that the economy is a lagging indicator meaning it can take years for any policy good or bad to take effect?

Obama inherited bad fiscal policy. Trump inherited the economy that Obama put into place with his policies guiding America through the recession. That’s why the economy under Trump was “good” Covid, major war, supply shortages, inflation got us here. Biden has spent the last 4 years turning this around but it is an uphill climb.

[-] Thrillhouse 18 points 1 week ago

I wonder if the Trump campaign is asking him to self-destruct because of the recent polling that his candidacy hurts Trump more than Biden.

A long shot theory but my only explanation as to why he’d say this.

[-] Thrillhouse 23 points 2 weeks ago

He knows he can’t so he needs to pick some distractions.

[-] Thrillhouse 28 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I know I was being sarcastic. Sikh separatism isn’t a crime in Canada.

They’re free to pursue any criminal charges they would like, that are bound by international law.

Instead, they sent hired goons to kill Canadian citizens. That’s not ok.

[-] Thrillhouse 18 points 2 weeks ago

Gotcha state-backed goons aren’t criminals in his definition. Well, that clears everything up then.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Thrillhouse to c/kobo

Just ordered this one from Amazon and it’s good!

It doesn’t have the standing ability so if you’re looking for that wait longer. I’m just looking for something to protect it when I throw it in my purse.

It’s got a pen holder and magnetic wake/sleep.

submitted 1 month ago by Thrillhouse to c/knitting

Just finished this. Took about a month. The pattern is free!

Since it’s unisex I used a Caron cotton cake in DK I think and knit the small size. I followed the guidance on the label for needle size. It started as an experiment and ended as a happy accident.

Also, I modified by adding the panel in the hood and icord string.

submitted 3 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/uap

This is from one of our major news outlets in Canada.

submitted 4 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/ergomechkeyboards

Hi - don't judge. This is my first mechanical keyboard and I'm playing around with something in budget that meets my needs as a beginner. I know it's not the best but I'm genuinely looking for help and knowledge here.

Yes, I know the allegations about the software/drivers for this keyboard being flagged as malware and have done research into this, though apparently not enough research. I downloaded what I thought was the driver for this keyboard but did not realize that it was a Via driver that broke the battery indicator and any possible connection to the (apparently terrible) software.

Would anyone have access to the original driver so I can roll the keyboard back to factory settings? The factory setting reset (function + esc 3 sec) doesn't roll back these changes. I tried to download one on Weiyun based on advice from the other site but everything is in Chinese and it does not seem to work.

Alternatively, does anyone know who I might contact to obtain this driver? I contacted the seller on AliExpress but they are spotty at best.

Many thanks in advance.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Thrillhouse to c/uap

X-Post from the other site; text below if you don’t want to visit. Found this interesting and didn’t see it 3 months ago when it was posted by u/UrdknotWreav:

By now we all know Mike Turner is the DOD's knight in shining armor, who's gonna protect the DOD's fragile and brittle reputation, from the hordes of savages who are demanding more hearings.

The below publicly available information about Mike, might become handy at some point.

To summarize:

So Mike Turner, helped funding Radiance technologies. The company where both Travis Taylor and Jay Stratton are currently employed. Jay Stratton, Travis Taylor and David Grusch all have worked together in the UAPTF.... WTF?

We have Mike Turner in the center, connected somehow to Radiance Technologies, Wright Patterson AFB, Department of Energy, receives shitloads of money from Lockheed Martin and other defense companies.

As you can see there's way more to Mike Turner than meets the eye. Is he perhaps one of the gatekeepers?

submitted 5 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/uap

I find it fascinating that Canada’s mint would even recognize these incidents.

Thunderbird Sweater (
submitted 7 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/knitting

Now the heatwave needs to end so I can wear it.

submitted 8 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/[email protected]

I was there in Toronto last night and it was magical

submitted 9 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/beebutts
submitted 9 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/[email protected]
submitted 10 months ago by Thrillhouse to c/pics
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