Feeling a drag. Like i have missed some concepts and need to go back. LearningFrench w/alexa is really good at explaining things in a way I can understand. Outling the rules (when applicable, it is french) and showing the conjugation’s. I get ads on YT for this “learn real french with french TV” and it looks like an interactive subtitle thing. They featured Lupin in the latest runs, which i enjoyed. I may have to look into the service. One foot forward everyday though.
I just want them to make a flavor with ibuprofin already mixed in
The number of people that ask if i meant C when I say Sierra is too damn high.
I am using it to learn French. I also appreciate the lesson structure as it relates to available time. I use it on breaks, or in the morning before i start work. I hope, once i finish the duolingo course work, i can get some tutoring to really learn it. I agree it is a beneficial use of time, as opposed to social media.
Hercule Poirot is the reason i am learning French
I used to work field service. I would drive all around and fix machines. If i used the customers restroom, and they had single ply TP, or the auto-magic paper towel dispensor spit out 6 inches, i knew that company was a bad place to work.
My bitcoin miners did this to my garage roof. I was waiting for a police search for a grow operation.
Damn, my inlaws wanted xmas photos of all the family holding guns. They did this before. Even at the time i thought, “i dont think this conveys good will towards man” as well as you may think. I just wore my anarchy raccoon shirt :)
I still have a bulk of those CD’s (not the boxes anymore). I keep them in a binder with the CD holder sleeves. Same for my drivers, and operating systems. I have disks of going back to NT, 95b, and 98. I only started in to PC’ in 1998/9. I wish i had my original Voodoo3 driver disk. I remember buying that card in my way back from school one afternoon. I was so excited to install it.
I was skeptical of Steam when it launched as well. It has proven to be a good service.
I still have a functional GB01. I had to do some work on some contacts, but it works. I think the massive ground plane may have had an issue. I am looking at a power/battery upgrade, and the backlight.