I wouldn't go that far. The OP is known for wildly speculating while drunk.
making one uniquely qualified to take a rightful place in governing the decline of the world in these last days.
That sounds suspiciously like some of the shit I ignored about my church growing up.
Says the person who may not even have a rich inner life, at least as far as I know.
I make too much to take advantage of this so obviously I hate it.
Just kidding, I'm fucking excited for the folks who will get to take advantage of this program. Fuck the lawmakers trying to axe this.
And my house after 2am.
I've been wondering about that too. Maybe? There's another Republican saying he's ready to step in but I'm not sure how Florida works. I think the gators decide.
That's my philosophy.
Could be a lot of reasons but it would boil down to backroom deals. Maybe mutual assured destruction, maybe manipulated by someone (everyone talks about how easy he is to manipulate), or maybe a foreign leader has his fingers in the pie and told him to. Hell, maybe they've got underage women in common and Trump didn't want it coming out. The guy is one of Florida's reps and we all know where Trump lives.
My assumption is that he wouldn't have had to resign until there was an official confirmation process, and certainly not before Trump is sworn in. Anything could happen between now and then.
Unsurprising. I still believe Trump throwing his name out there was a way for him to resign and kill the report.
Bullshit. They want those workers scared that they'll be deported because being afraid of that will keep their wages low and keep them compliant. This is good for the larger construction companies who employ those workers.
I'm going to make a prediction. If I'm wrong then I'll admit it. I think they're going to do one wave of very loud deportations, quietly abandon it, and relax the borders briefly to fill the spots that were left by that wave. Just enough to scare the absolute shit out of migrant workers into working, coming home, not putting their kids in school, and not peeking their heads out until it's time to make agriculture and construction companies money.
This is drunk speculation.