
joined 8 months ago
[–] TempermentalAnomaly 4 points 18 hours ago (2 children)

Sometimes we find inspiration where we least expect it.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Man... I remember having fond memories of it. Plus, sort of a Christmas flick. So come winter break, I turn it on for my eight year old. I get to cooking dinner and about 45 minutes in, he's shaking from it. He slept in our room for the first time in years that night. And the next night. And the next.

Literally just told his mom he's still scared of gremlins. This will be one of the parenting regrets.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 6 points 2 days ago

Income based repayments such as SAVE calculate your payments as a percentage of your disposable income. This means it can be as low as $0 per month if you happen to be unemployed for even a short time. Interest still accrues, but doesn't capitalize with SAVE. This can result in a "significant" balance.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 17 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Yep. He tipped on top of the delivery charge and taxes. I it was 20% tip button that doesn't isolate food.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 8 points 4 days ago

Listening to some Captain Beefheart, huh.... I'll grab my shiny rocks!

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

FDR died about a month before Hitler's surrendered. His navigation of the depression was accomplished in no small part to democratic socialist policies.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What will we do with all the extra bootstraps? Before you know it, our boots will be strapless. And that is a world I'd rather not live in.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The New Yorker would like to have a word.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 0 points 1 week ago (5 children)

The quote is not in the link you provided. Where did you get that quote?

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 9 points 1 week ago

The difficulty of adding orange food coloring to cornstarch is an insurmountable chemical process.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 4 points 1 week ago

That movie quote went right over your head.

[–] TempermentalAnomaly 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You didn't use "Palestinian" or "civilian" in that sentence. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


You're only 78 years old Little Squirt!


Usually it's Friday night... Sometimes I go out Thursdays though.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14210696

The two percentage points of vote share that Mr Trump has gained since 2020 come from three sources. The largest group is people who supported Mr Biden last time, but are now undecided, backing minor candidates or not planning to vote, who outnumber those making the same shift from Mr Trump’s camp. These voters account for 0.9 points of Mr Trump’s two-point improvement. Undecided former Biden voters are slightly younger, more likely to be black or female and less likely to have attended college than repeat Biden voters.

Mr Trump also enjoys an edge among people entering or returning to the major-party electorate. The share who say they did not vote for either him or Mr Biden in 2020 but have now settled on Mr Trump is 3.7%, slightly above the 3.3% who are choosing Mr Biden. This group adds another 0.3 of a point to Mr Trump’s tally.

The final group, swing voters, is the smallest but also the most impactful. Because people who flip between the two major-party candidates both subtract a vote from one side and add one to the other, they matter twice as much as do those who switch between a candidate and not voting at all. Such voters are rare—just 3% of respondents fall into this category—but Mr Trump is winning two-thirds of them. With 2% of participants shifting from Mr Biden to Mr Trump versus just 1% doing the opposite, swing voters contribute a full percentage point to Mr Trump’s two-way vote share.

The most intriguing pattern in YouGov’s data, however, is probably an equally powerful factor that has nothing to do with ideology. Compared with committed partisans, swing voters are vastly more likely to have children aged under 18: 47% of those flipping from Mr Biden to Mr Trump and 40% of those switching the other way are currently raising children, compared with 22% of repeat Biden voters and 19% of consistent Trump ones. And once the effects of race and parenthood are combined, the disparities are striking.


When writing a comment, you can preview it. I didn't see this feature when making a post.

Also, spoiler markdowns weren't rendering in Boost when I tried using the menu insertion. I've seen other posts and comments with spoilers, so I'm not sure what's happening.

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