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[–] Takapapatapaka 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sent as a message !

[–] Takapapatapaka 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'll send you both codes in a message so you can compare ;)

[–] Takapapatapaka 2 points 1 month ago

Sent as a message :D

[–] Takapapatapaka 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Code sent as a private message ;)

[–] Takapapatapaka 1 points 1 month ago

I'll send it to you as a message :)

[–] Takapapatapaka 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah Im with Tropicaldingdong on that one, nationalism is not libleft

Another way to express what they wrote is " ideologies that transcends boundaries rather than introducing a new one"

Replacing ethnic with nation, companies with state, and in general one boundary with another boundary is not very libertarian, and even less libleft.

Black power and stuff do not introduce new boundaries they are based upon the one they're fighting against, otherwise they would have no goal.

[–] Takapapatapaka 0 points 1 month ago

Okay thanks for sharing your experience, it seems indeed a very good example of how bad it can be Thanks also for the explanation about the instance in the answer

[–] Takapapatapaka 2 points 1 month ago (6 children)

For people saying it's a weakness because it causes or is caused by censorship from the mods, are you directly experiencing it? If yes, on which instance?

I got involved in a few heated discussions with members, but I was never bothered by any moderator/admin. I'm not sure if this is due to my views (anarchism / libertarian communism) but I don't think so since they are not the ones of the main instances I roam (.world which seems quite soc-dem to me and all the tankies one).

To me all of this seems like an overall positive thing : the lack of hardcore far right dudes is a big plus, and I don't think the political views can really influence the quality and quantity of content you can propose otherwise (which is to my eyes why there is not that much people here). Like I don't think rightwing people will flee from Lemmy because of the political thing, but like i think most people do: mostly because there is not that many people and therefore that many content to begin with. But there again, I never directly experienced or witnessed political censorship or exclusion, and it seems a common experience so i might not have the best point of view.

[–] Takapapatapaka 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That's an interesting posts succession

Two posts following each other, one about Syrian rebels fighting prison torturers, the other one about fears of torture perpetrated by Israel police

[–] Takapapatapaka 6 points 1 month ago

Force à toi, je comprend le sentiment (pas pourquoi tu le relies à ce terme vide de "woke" mais le fait que tu trouves pesant que tes hobbies soient gâchés par des considérations environnementales)

J'ai la même chose, mais c'est avec moi-même : parce qu'au fond, tout ces gens, ils ont raison. (ptet pas celleux qui te recommandent de faire 4h de vélo par jour, même si 1h de voiture par jour, c'est gigantesque comme émission de CO2). Iels ont raison parce que tous les points évoqués sont effectivement des gouffres à ressources, et iels ont raison d'en parler parce que c'est important que les gens en aient conscience.

Ça ne veut pas dire qu'on doit changer, ni qu'on doit accepter tout ça et ne pas trouver ça énervant/démoralisant. Mais tout ce qu'on s'autorise à faire (j'ai un pc qui consomme, on fait les courses en voiture, etc.), c'est nous qui faisons ce choix, c'est nous qui en sommes responsables (et pas forcément coupables). Ce n'est pas les gens qui sont relous de critiquer, c'est nous qui avons des hobbys critiquables, même si on ne choisit pas ce qui nous plaît, ça ne le rend pas moins critiquable. Si on fait ce choix de hobbys, je pense qu'il faut aussi qu'on assume qu'ils plairont pas à tout le monde, et qu'on ait une conscience des implications environnementales de nos passions. Autrement, c'est se voiler la face sur les véritables causes de notre mal-être quand les autres soulignent les conséquences de nos actes.

Je me reproche souvent mes sorties restos, mes achats de matos, etc., même si une fois que j'ai décidé de le faire, j'essaye d'en profiter : ça m'aide à vraiment peser le pour et le contre de chaque décision, et à commencer à réduire un tout petit peu mon impact quand je peux. Ça reste pas facile, et la pression sociale peut être désagréable, mais perso je trouve que ça m'aide. J'espère que tu finiras par réussir à concilier tes hobbys, ta conscience et tes relations :D

[–] Takapapatapaka 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I have 19°C for daytime, 17°C at night and I admit it's quite comfortable overall. But me and my partner's feet still feel cold though, so it might be partly due to the actual temperature, partly due to a psychological bias that makes them feel really cold since they are way colder than the rest of the body.

The usual temperature around me (center of France), at work and as default on devices, is 20-21. I never thought about what it was in other climates, I guess you are in a colder region than me, or that energy is too expensive. Maybe I'll lower a bit more my actual temperature target

[–] Takapapatapaka 3 points 1 month ago

My parents do chicken or rabbit "Gaston-gérard" : some meat cooked in a skillet, pouring white wine in it and adding mustard, cream and cheese. There is paprika in the original recipe but we skip this part. Same as some people said, I can cook something close, but not the same way my parent do.

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