I am hoping that the Joycon mouse mode turns out real and used in some interesting ways.
Did they say for sure that there will not be any game announcements before April? I was hoping, since Nintendo has officially announced the system, developers would start listing it as a release target for their games. Even Nintendo might have a new game trailer and put a sneaky "for the Switch 2" at the end.
Does it? They did show the controllers in the sensor down orientation, but the mouse theory is too wacky.
I am still holding out hope for something really cool from the software side.
I am not sure about the exposed connector on the side of the system that inserts into the Joycon. I could see a kid jamming the controller onto the system at a bad angle and breaking it.
This is just them covering their butts from bad publicity or a law suit. They are telling you that their tech support will not help you use an unauthorized online server and if you get hacked, it is your own fault. Nothing particularly weird about it. No more than just about every piece of free software includes a document explaining that the software does not include a warranty.
I would not have assumed otherwise. Anyone who Nintendo sends pre-production hardware is under a mountain of NDAs and would be too afraid of losing a contract to say anything not in a Nintendo press release.
Genki probably knows someone who snuggled a set of calipers onto a factory floor. Nintendo could have had a note passed along asking the leaker and Genki to release their comment.
I agree that Honey is a sleazy extension, but should I be worried that if they lose, it will set a bad precedent? From the video, the Honey extension works by injecting a Honey referral code into all online shopping transactions, possibly overwriting whatever influencer referral code the user was under. If Honey loses, the court decision is likely to say that an extension creator is liable if they tamper with referral codes and tracking links.
This will be a problem for privacy extensions that strip out tracking cookies and referral URLs, since they are also messing with influencer attribution, though not for profit but at the request of the user.
Grandfathered in under old ratings. If they rerelease it they would replace it with a minigame about killing healthcare CEOs or something.
If you play Pokemon Let's Go, the Team Rocket casino was raided by the police and closed (or something, I don't remember the exact excuse for why you cannot get in).
I think we have had enough leaks to all but confirm that the next Nintendo system will look like the Switch except slightly larger and the controller attachment will involve magnets in some way.
What I am interested in is the software. The Switch did not have the whimsy apps that previous systems had. I still carry forward Miis from my Wii as a guest book of friends and family I played with. I loved StreetPass Plaza; I would take my 3DS on the subway with me every day and get random passerbys as NPCs in my games. The Switch doesn't have any built in software that sparks joy like that, since I imagine, the system was rushed to fill in the Wii U void and developers were busy getting the handheld/dock mode working.
Hopefully there is a demo for it. I tried the demo for Fitness Boxing 2 and did not like that it seemed to measure when I pulled my arm back, not when I threw a punch. In order to hit timing triggers, I had to throw slow, careful punches and then do a crisp controlled recovery.
I have heard that the current Switch already supports mice, but very few games use it, since no one has a mouse connected to their Switch, since almost no games use it. If there is an (uncomfortable) mouse included in every Switch 2, game devs will be more willing to include mouse controls in their games. Players who play a lot of mouse enabled games will hook up a real mouse to their system. Much in the same way that every game for the current Switch supports Joycon controls even though many hobbyist gamers will use a more traditional controller.