But we already have a Patriots' Day
- Massachusetts
But we already have a Patriots' Day
Filed before, updated and approved after.
I'm glad the enlightened centrist take is always here to offer the right answers.
That's a generous way of saying "Most Americans are overly sexist and/or racist and are willing to make up any reason to not vote for a woman of color despite any evidence to the contrary"
...ending social indoctrination in classrooms, protecting patriotism in curriculum...
Does not compute.
Feudalism is back, baby!
OP's picture is after the foreign meddling. Iran was trying to paint itself as a westernized country, and so western styles were part of the way the Shah's regime encouraged that.
The coup which ousted Mossadegh and reinstated the Shah occurred a full 20 years before this picture was supposedly taken.
Basic human rights would be a start.
Does this sort of discourse make you happy?
Nestle, PepsiCo, Unilever, and maybe others (they used the term "including")
Nestle was the only company to comment, saying how they planned to increase their sales of more nutritious food. Always gonna spin it to fit whatever narrative they want to sell to their consumers and shareholders.