Sheesh, we get it. You're not the target audience
If you weren't going to buy any of their products in the first place, you're not a lost sale.
I don't think there are enough people using peertube to make a decent dent in his revenue stream...
The assistant in your phone is not the same as home assistant.
Home assistant is mostly used to group all your smart home stuff and create automations.
Being a technical person myself, most people I know want to try it but don't have the use for it due to living in appartments.
For technical people... Yes.
For people who aren't that technical? No.
Don't get me wrong, the Home Assistant Green and SkyConnect dongle is great and massively makes maintenance for the regular joe easier (no pis or other hardware that loads from the SD/hardware considerations).
But some stuff in UX would have to improve, which it already is doing ofcourse.
There is an ending in which you go home?
Unless you're constantly using secret chats all your data is stored in plain text... This is actually worse than WhatsApp
Problem is that some companies double dip. Pay for the service and have your data sold.
Insanely bad reputation, one hosting provider decided to sell .XYZ domains for 1 dollar per year.
This resulted in people with malicious intent buying up domains en masse to use it for malware delivery/phishing/whatever.
Free parking in the rear?
Sheesh, we get it. You're not the target audience.