
joined 9 months ago
[–] Soku 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"Taking a tongue" means taking an enemy prisoner to interrogate about their numbers and locations.

[–] Soku 3 points 1 week ago

Is that "steak" served with half a raw onion?

[–] Soku 5 points 2 weeks ago

My cat had her water jug/mug on the corner of the coffee table. It was pointless to try to keep her off the table, and she actually kept hydrated so...

[–] Soku 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

We are vegetarian, thank you very much. And don't call me Shirley

[–] Soku 5 points 2 weeks ago

My friend is French, his wife Portuguese, they live in England with their two children. When all together, they all speak English with each other. When the kids are with one parent, the speak that language. In the park with father, French. Baking with mother, Portuguese. Bedtime stories are in the language of the parent reading. Kids switch between languages easily and understand what to speak with whom. Effortless trilingual.

Another friend moved country with her husband and had three kids. Home language was always mother tongue, both my friends had fairly bad English. Everything outside parents is in English for the kids - media, school, anyone outside the household. Again, the switch for the kids is really easy, they are fluent and have no accent in both languages.

[–] Soku 3 points 3 weeks ago

The temperatures are intuitive for me because Celsius is all I've known. The car going 60km/h or 100km/ h I know the difference and how it feels sitting in the car. The speed of wind in the forecast needs to be m/s to make any sense. Over 20 m/s I better tape the windows so that the storm won't break them

[–] Soku 4 points 3 weeks ago

I think that's Gosha. There's a Russian bloke on Instagram who posts clips with his pet raven. Smart little bugger, that Gosha

[–] Soku 1 points 1 month ago

Is that pit lined with mattresses so that those peeps will just isolate themselves for a day? I read the first sentence and nodded in approval: let the natural selection take the wheel but the second sentence made it much more humane.

[–] Soku 8 points 1 month ago (3 children)

You can make tea out of nearly any plant. They are infusions rather than true tea but raspberry leaf or sprig tea is damn tasty

[–] Soku 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sorry but... videoS? Plural? I would have thought one is enough

[–] Soku 2 points 1 month ago

Why limit yourself to only tacos? Spoon a dollop of sour cream on your chilli or any hearty soup or stew, Mix it into gratin or mac'n'cheese before baking, make a salad with fresh cucumber and tomatoes, dill and/or spring onions... The world is your pot of sour cream

Birthday outfit (
submitted 6 months ago by Soku to c/[email protected]
Bobble paws (
submitted 8 months ago by Soku to c/knitting

I made these a good few years back. A friend commissioned these for a present for her friend, and they were highly appreciated, for what I heard.

The pattern for the ruffles came from Pinterest, the bobble pattern I charted out on a piece of paper. Forethought thumbs, no gusset. The bows are made of lingerie lace, that's stretchy. Buttons and beads were chosen from my neverending stash and sewing them on took several hours.

For bobbles like this I learned to knit backwards without flipping the work. It's slower for me and I do like 8 stitches max but still felt more efficient than flipping the work after every 5-8 stitches.

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